Ohne Titel Teil49

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When Alvaro, Juanma, Mia and Zoe were in their cabin, Zoe said "I hope it won't be so difficult with Lupe the rest of the time here, I had the feeling that she was annoyed all day."

"Let her get used to it. She has to join our existing group allone only  with Gaspar. Gaspar can adapt, but Lupe takes a bit of time."

"She really pissed on Isabel today," said Zoe.

Alvaro took a deep breath. "Guys, I don't want to analyze Lupe's behavior every evening. I know it's difficult. Maybe tomorrow we should just go back to her normally and see what she does." after a short pause he said, "If you don't do it for her ... please do it for me."

Mia took him in her arms. "We'll try." She looked at the others. "Right?" Zoe and Juanma nodded, if a little hesitantly. "Thank you", Alvaro said. He was already in bed and pulled MIa close to him. He just needed her close. It had been a day when he felt like he was on a merry-go-round. It was great fun to be with the others swimming and experiencing the sea. Playing cards had also been great and he got used to Gaspar too. But the Lupe had always stung him. The others didn't know her much differently than she was now. But he saw in her his little sister.

They were all tired from the day. Juanma was still listening to the light waves, which made the boat rock a little. You could hear nothing more than how they got to the boat. It was a comforting sound. The boat moved very slightly. He noticed that Zoe was a bit tense and asked her what was going on.

"What if we all sleep so deeply and don't notice if something rams our boat or the waves go up?"

"Someone will wake up and the boat will definitely not be rammed. Don't be afraid," Juanma said calmly. "We are safe here." "And when the storm come which Dani mentioned ."

"Then we haul in the sails and then the storm can't do us much," Alvaro said softly.

Mia had already fallen asleep in his arms.

The next morning a beautiful blue sky awaited them. The sun was already shining and Isabel had already prepared breakfast. The ship hadn't moved a meter and the water was fairly smooth and crystal clear.

"No sailing without wind" said Juanma and smiled. "Then we can swim here again."

Zoe helped Isabel get a few more things and then Ramiro was there too. "I hope you all slept well," he said cheerfully. "Like a baby," said Mia. "I also need waves at home that rock me into a deep slumber."

Everyone laughed. Juanma heard footsteps on the stairs and Gaspar stuck his head out below deck. "Good morning" he greeted. "Lupe is coming soon too."

When everyone was there, Ramiro said, "I suggest we stay here until the wind comes up. And  we go swimming again. And when there is more wind we continue." The teenagers nodded

After breakfast they got ready to go into the water. Lupe also put on bathing suits, but didn't want to take any snorkeling gear with her. "But take your fins with you, then swimming will be easier for you," said Alvaro.

They went over the ladder into the water to get used to the temperature. When Mia was on the ladder and was sprayed wet, she collapsed laughing and shrieked as she plunged completely into the cold water. The boys were more careful with Zoe because they knew she was  scared. When Isabel was on the ladder, she laughed and said "Dare to splash" and no one dared to splash water.

Lupe went slowly. She stayed seated on the last sprout. Gaspar peeked at her. "I'll catch you," he said. She nodded and let herself fall into his arms. They went down together.

"Hold on to my shoulders," said Gaspar. But he did not warn Lupe when he disappeared under water with strong pulls. Lupe let go and appeared, coughing. She lost her bearings for a moment and went under. Gaspar was back immediately and she held on to him again. "Sorry I thought you noticed what I was up to."

"You would have better told me," said Lupe. She released Gaspar and swam away from him. When Gaspar wanted to go after her, Alvaro passed him and said "I'll have a look after her, okay?" Gaspar nodded gratefully. He swam to the others who had disappeared on the other side behind the boat. Juanma had seen a turtle again, which he wanted to show the girls and Ramiro and Isabel. She got closer this time. Ramiro swam slowly towards her. She didn't seem to be afraid, rather she didn't seem to pay any attention to the strange visitors in the water. Zoe stayed farther back, it was scary. Mia dared to swim here after Juanma and Ramiro. She laid still  on the water. The turtle swam right under her and then disappeared into the vastness of the sea.

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