Ohne Titel Teil165

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Everyone got a few more things from their room. Alvaro drove with the others and Isabel to Ramiro's home, they checked everything, but nothing had happened. First they sat down in the living room. Ramiro wanted to check a few things at school.

Isabek went into the kitchen and made some noodles. Mia followed after a while. She took her in her arms, "Is everything okay?" asked Isabel

Mia nodded and smiled at Isabel. "Everything's fine. I just wanted to squeeze you." Isabel had to laugh.

The boys had found a sports channel in the living room. Clara and Zoe set up the guest mattress in the study and prepared the bed.

"Even though we've slept here several times, I feel like I'm at summer camp," Zoe said and Clara had to laugh. "Fortunately we are not in a tent in this weather"

When everything was finished, they sat down with the boys. Ramiro had called and said he was on his way. The students set the table and when the food came on the table, Ramiro unlocked the door. They ate together and Ramiro told them that he had found no further damage. Insurance would cover the damage in the science room.

"Since we're all here now, we'll start class at 8 tomorrow." he said to the group.

In the first moment the students looked at him and when he could hardly suppress a grin. they laughed. "We would have had Go first tomorrow too, I would have liked to see your choreography," Mia said with a laugh.

They helped Isabel clean up. Rairo suggested a film and the students stayed in the living room with Isabel and Ramiro. Clara fell asleep on the couch after the movie. Her head was on Roberto's lap. His hands were buried in her hair. They carefully woke her up and then everyone went to bed. Ramiro had got his laptop from the study so that he didn't have to wake them up in the morning.

When Alvaro and Mia were in bed they could still hear the wind and rain. It had become a little quieter, but every now and then there was a lot of rain. For the next few days the weather report hadn't predicted any real improvement. Mia snuggled up against Alvaro and he hugged her a little more. "Somehow there is something romantic when you hear the rain pattering on the windows outside-" Alvaro nodded, but said, "There's nothing like snowfall and a chimney."

"That's right" said Mia "that was really fantastic"

"It's nice to have you in my arms," ​​Alvaro said softly.

"And I feel safe and secure in your arms" answered Mia, straightened up and gave him a kiss "

Alvaro held her face carefully and kissed her back. Then he wrapped his arms around her neck and pulled her completely towards him. He loved to feel her warmth on his body.

"I think we should help clean up a bit at school tomorrow. When everything is really dry, it has to be cleaned."

Alvaro nodded "I thought of that too" he said softly.

Mia put her head on Alvaro's chest again. He held her tight and she was completely relaxed in his embrace. Her hand was on his stomach.

Both were tired from the day and Mia was already closing her eyes. After a while, Alvaro said "Are you asleep?"

"mhm" made Mia but straightened up again and looked at him. "I love you>" Alvaro said softly. Mia grinned "I love you too."

"It's kind of funny that we're all housed somewhere," she said then. "there's something so exciting about getting out of school."

"Well, we didn't have to, it just might have gotten cold without heating," said Alvaro with a grin.

"I'm just imagining that we are in the holiday cabin in the mountains. The rain we hear is snow. We have just put Manuel and Mariana to bed. We are both sitting by the crackling fireplace. I am in your arms . "

"The most important thing about the story is that you are in my arms" said Alvaro and gave Mia a little more squeeze. "I can no longer imagine not being able to take you in my arms"

"Me neither," Mia said softly. Her thoughts went to the end of the school year. Every now and then she remembered that Alvaro would then leave school. He seemed to have sensed the thoughts and gave her  a squeeze. "We'll never really be apart," he said softly.

"Have you ever written to Toni about the thing with Dani's girlfriend?"

Alvaro shook his head. "No not yet. I'll write to him tomorrow. Let's see what he says"

Mia lay back in his arms. She focused on his heartbeat again and he stroked her. "I love you" she mumbled, but she didn't hear his answer anymore.

Go live your way part 3Where stories live. Discover now