Ohne Titel Teil162

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Laura's parents were at school the next morning before class started. Laura went with them to see Ramiro.

The others went to class. It was going to be a long day. After class, the boys had training. Marcello let them do some catching and throwing exercises, then let them play.

"So guys, that was very good. Tomorrow we will do another training session, on Saturday you should be there an hour before the game starts."

Alvaro and Juanma asked the girls if they would like an ice cream. The girls agreed and ran into the room to get jackets. Lupe met them on the way. "Where are you going?" She asked when she saw the two of them.

"Eat ice cream, Alvaro wanted to ask you and Clara and Roberto too."

"But he didn't .... oh, he did." She said when she looked on the Display"  Are you waiting for me?"

Mia grinned. "Sure, but don't stand in front of the mirror that long."

When everyone was gathered they drove off. Lupe asked her again "Can't we do something again on Saturday?"

Alvaro looked at Roberto and Juanma. "Disco would be an idea again, wouldn't it?" Roberto nodded and Juanma said "Yes, of course, but Mia and I will be performing again soon" he looked at Lupe "I think with Gaspar".

"Doesn't matter, disco is always good," said Lupe and smiled at everyone.

They stayed a while and then they drove back to school. Ramiro met them on the way and then said, "Will you come to my office, please?"

They looked at each other. Alvaro said "Everyone?" Ramiro nodded. "You can all come with me." He smiled at them.

When everyone was in his office. he said, "sit down when you all find space." He smiled.

The students sat down. "Well, I've now had a conversation with Laura and her parents. There were a lot of things about Laura that have changed recently. I agreed with her parents that Laura would only be attending the class in the near future. But she will  live at home. "

"But the point of this school .." began Lupe.

"Yes, Lupe, I know and I'm not thrilled about it either. Together with her parents, however, I came to the conclusion that they can bring the family back together a little and she don't miss any classes."

"But she won't be included anywhere," Mia pointed out.

Ramiro looked at the window for a moment. "I thought about that too, but as long as her private environment is in the way, she will always clash with you all. I just wanted to ask you to please include her in class and don't talk much about it when she's gone after class. "

The students nodded. "Sure we do," said Roberto.

"She has a few things to deal with. I think it's a good solution for a couple of weeks like this."

The students made their way to the cafeteria. "There's never been anything like this here," said Lupe.

The others nodded and Clara said "But that way there is less argument with her"

"There is some truth to it, too," said Roberto and everyone laughed.

After dinner the boys played a little basketball. Emanuel rejoined and they had a blast. The girls had sat on the seats in the gym.

They laughed when a pass failed or when the boys ran into each other. Time passed and the first ones said goodbye to go to  bed. In the end only Alvaro, Juanma and the girls were left. After a while the boys stopped playing and sat down next to Zoe and Mia. Alvaro sat down behind Mia so she could lean against him. Mia put her head on his shoulder and takes his hand. Juanma had put his  arm around Zoe.

"Hopefully it works with Laura, like Ramiro imagines it. I would have thought she might be happy when she is here when her parents are so busy," said Zoe.

"Yes, on the one hand it might be like that. But on the other hand, she might also want to see how things are going at home. Perhaps she is afraid that she will be suddenly torn from her surroundings again. Perhaps she is afraid of making close friendships  and then lose them . Let's be honest, what do we know about her, "said Mia.

When everyone shrugged, she said, "We may have judged her too soon"

"We haven't actually judged her," said Zoe. "She kept pushing us all away."

"Yes, you're right again," said Mia.

Zoe yawned. They decided to go to sleep and turned off the light in the hall.

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