Ohne Titel Teil73

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The next morning they helped clean up and then drove to the river.

Alvaro took Mia for a walk along the water. He took her hand and walked over to a bench. Mia put her head on his shoulder and took a deep breath. " Is everything OK?" asked Alvaro. Mia nodded. "I'm thinking of the vacation. The ship was so beautiful."

"Oh yes it really was. I'm getting used to these vacations with you and come to the conclusion that I always want to have vacations with you."

Mia laughed. "That would be great. Maybe only two days of school, the rest of the week vacation. Or just the time that we actually have school we would have  holidays and school in the time when there are  holidays."

"No school anymore would be even better."

"Then we'll all stay stupid" Both had to laugh.

"I've been thinking about studying medicine again. I'm really considering it, but I don't know if my grades are good enough for it."

"did you talk to Penny again."

"I wrote to her and she promised to get in touch. I think we will phone."

"Can you do this here in Buenos Aires"

"Yes, that is also offered here. Don't worry Mia, as long as you are tied to school, I won't go far away."

"I didn't mean that. It's for your future, if it had to be, we'd survive it too."

"Not me," laughed Alvaro.

Mia took him in her arms again.

"I would like to have a nice home with you someday. And do a lot of things differently than I've experienced. See how our children grow. Get old and gray with you. And someday sit on a beautiful terrace, watch our grandchildren, like they play in the tree house. Well, and once I've been a doctor, I can treat injuries immediately. " he grinned.

Mia squeezed his hand. "It's nice to hear you talk about the future," she said.

"I always like to talk about a future with you." he put his arm around her again.

Mia put her head on his shoulder. It was nice to know that he really wanted and could imagine a future with her. She wished that too, and she hoped that the family situation would improve. Sometimes he had the impression that he felt more at home with Ramiro and Isabel than with Mercedes, but that was probably because Ramiro had been part of his home for a long time.

She sincerely hoped that Mercedes would get used to the situation and that she, Mia, would be accepted  in time.

Juanma and Zoe sat on the grass. "Thanks for the nice day yesterday and for the bracelet," said Juanma, looking at his wrist. He carried it on his left arm.

Zoe took his hand. "I thought it was nice that we spent the day together."

"Yes, that was one of the nicest birthdays."

"Still you were sad."

"Yes, a little. I always miss my father at events like this. But it's okay, that's normal, I think."

"Yes, I think so, too."

"I keep thinking that if I had been told a year ago that the two of us were sitting here by the river today, I would have laughed at you. And now I can't imagine sitting here without you."

"I was just thinking something like that too." said Zoe with a smile.

Juanma took her in his arms. He saw Mia and Alvaro coming back. When they were with them again, said Juanma. "Does anyone fancy an ice cream?"

"I'll get some," said Alvaro and made his way to the kiosk. "Hey, that's not what I meant" Juanma ran after him, laughing. "I wanted to get some"

They got ice cream and drinks for themselves and the girls. When Alvaro's cell phone beeped and he looked at the display, he saw a message from Roberto, who asked if they wanted to spend the rest of the day together.

After consulting with the others, he wrote Roberto where they were and he and Clara joined them. It was a beautiful afternoon, which unfortunately, like everything beautiful, passed too quickly.

"I'm looking forward to the new girl that should come tomorrow. She should also be able to dance," said Clara.

"A competition for my prima ballerina." laughed Roberto.

"And for Lupe," said Zoe.

"But she doesn't play basketball?" asked Roberto.

"Hey, we're an all boys team," said Juanma.

"Oh who knows, a girl in between" laughs Roberto, which earned him a pat from Clara.

Alvaro winked at Juanma. It was nice to see how much Roberto had settled in and how much he and Clara had gotten used to each other. It seemed to do him good and Alvaro was happy about it. Juanma knew what he meant. In the meantime he too saw a very good friend in Roberto, which he would never have suspected at the beginning.

Go live your way part 3Where stories live. Discover now