Ohne Titel Teil97

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They slept a little longer the next day and found a set breakfast table on the terrace. Isabel sat down with the four as they started breakfast.

"It was great yesterday. Everyone around us was thrilled. And your mom," she said to Juanma, "was really deeply touched when you sang."

Florencia and Marcello left early because Florencia Florencias mother was not feeling quite well and they wanted go and have a look at her.

Juanma nodded. "My dad loved this song very much, for whatever reason."

Ramiro also sat down briefly with the students. "What are you planning for today?" He asked.

"We wanted to go swimming. It's already too cold for the lake in the mountains, but maybe to the swimming pool," said Alvaro and the others nodded.

"That's a good plan." said Ramiro and smiled at the four.

After breakfast they packed everything up and set off. Due to the cooler weather, the swimming pools were fuller than usual. They had to queue a bit at the slides, which at least didn't take away the joy of the boys. The girls had laid down a bit on the deck chairs and the boys came to them, out of breath and wet. "I need something to eat now," said Juanma.

"As if that was something new," laughed Zoe.

They went to the little restaurant by the swimming pool and got pizza. "So I'm ready for the next round," said Juanma when he had swallowed the last bite. "Wait a minute, first a break after a meal. We learned that as little children," said Alvaro

"yeahhhhh " said Juanma, laughing and rolling his eyes. " You are right."

They sat down on the deck chairs  with the girls. When they had had a nasty break, Juanma said, "Are you girls coming into the water?" said Juanma.

"Sure," Mia said and looked at Zoe.

They ran to the tire slide, ignored the lifeguard's objection "Don't run" and got hold of two tires. The girls slipped together with the boys.

"Let's also take those where it's dark."

"No," said Zoe, "if I get stuck there."

"You won't get stuck," said Juanma reassuringly. "I'll take care of you. I'll slide right behind you and then nothing will happen to you."

They ran up the stairs to the black tunnel. Alvaro was the first to slip. Mia stroked Zoe briefly on the back and started when the lamp was green again. Zoe wanted to follow immediately, but Juanma held her. "Waiting for green," he said and took Zoe briefly in his arms. " Have no fear."

When the lamp turned green, he gave her a kiss and she disappeared into the tunnel. Juanma fixed the  light. It seemed to him that it was taking longer before it turned green. When the green light was there, he heard that Zoe had come downstairs as he got into the tunnel. He let himself slide down the tunnel. The three were waiting for him downstairs. "Are you slow," said Alvaro.

"Do you want to take the time slide and see who is faster" laughed Juanma.

"Deal" said Alvaro and they ran to the next slide.

"Both of them are a bit crazy sometimes, aren't they" laughed Zoe.

The girls slipped down the tire slide on their own and they both laughed. Then they went back to the lounge chairs. After a short time the boys came. Laughing, Juanma said "you can turn it as you like, I was twice faster. The ad doesn't lie."

"Wait and see, I want revenge," said Alvaro.

They went swimming together and then they decided to go back to Ramiro. Isabel had said that she wanted to prepare food.

Wen they arrived, they helped set the table, the rest was already done. They were all tired from the day in the swimming pool. They stayed in the living room for a while. "Do we have plans for the next weekend" asked Zoe. "I mean besides that we are at your home?" She looked at Alvaro.

"We'll see what happens, I would say." The others nodded in agreement.

They decided to go to bed. Alvaro had two exams in the coming week. Mia asked him a few more formulas. He could do most of it.

"You can already keep in mind  that, you will need everything next year too," he said and took the notebook away from Mia.

"I need your arms free so that you can hold me tight," he whispered and took her in his arms.

"It was a great day," said Mia. "The pool was a great idea."

They snuggled into bed.

Juanma and Zoe had already gone to bed, too: "I really thought for a moment, I would get stuck in the slide, somewhere in the middle it slowed down"

"Yes, I noticed that too, but that was only a short stretch. I heard you got downstairs. Otherwise I would have taken you out." said Juanma and smiled at Zoe

Zoe snuggled up against him. "Swimming makes me so tired," she said and almost fell asleep at the words.

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