Ohne Titel Teil82

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They went to the cafeteria to celebrate their victory, and Ramiro came over to congratulate the students. He hadn't seen the game; Isabel had come with him. Mercedes saw her and pulled on Ramiro's arm. when they were out of earshot she said "what is she doing here?"

Ramiro looked blankly at Mercedes. "What do you mean? She wanted to congratulate the boys."

"Was she with you at your appointment?"

"No, she wasn't. Mercedes, she has a job, she won't take anything away from you here. She was in town when I was at the appointment. What's the point now."

Mercedes shook her head." It's okay, "she said. She turned and walked away. Ramiro watched her go for a moment.

She was stopped by Lupe.

"Mama, I need to talk to you," she said, hooking up with her mother.

"What's going on?" Asked Mercedes and looked at Lupe.

"Laura really wants to join the cheerleading team and she thinks she's the best everywhere,  can't you make her realize that she won't be on the team."

"Giucy will take care of that, but we should all help her learn to adapt. Have patience, Lupe."

When Juanma left the cafeteria to take a shower, he heard Laura talking in the stairwell. It seemed French. Juanma hoped she was distracted enough not to notice him.

He had to leave the stairwell on the floor below her. She came towards him with the phone to her ear; she had traces of tears on her face and walked past him.

He looked after her for a moment and then went to his room. Fede had just finished in the bathroom and said, "That was a great game today." "Oh yes it was," said Juanma, clapping Fede's outstretched hand.

"Martin suggested a disco evening to celebrate the day"

"Good idea, let's ask the others," said Juanma. He went into the bathroom.

When they came back together into the cafeteria, he and Fede talked to Alvaro about it. They asked the girls and everyone was there. "I want to go to the disco too," Laura said suddenly from behind Alvaro. Ramiro had heard it and nodded to Alvaro. At that moment Lupe came in and said "Why do you want to come with us? You hardly ever look at us"

Alvaro said "It's okay, nobody will be excluded here. We start at 8 pm" Laura nodded and Lupe grimaced a little. Everyone  was there, including Robero and Clara. Roberto would probably not be able to dance, but he still wanted to spend the evening with the others.

Juanma and Alvaro chilled a bit with the girls in the room.

The boys were a bit exhausted from the game and the girls let them doze a bit.

When it was time to eat, everyone met in the cafeteria. Gaspar was already there after dinner; Lupe had asked him if he would come with the an he was happy about it.

When everyone was ready für the evening they started. Laura stood a little apart and stayed a little apart from everyone on the way. Sofie had run next to her for a while, but since she was not very talkative she gave up her attempts.

Laura observed that Gaspar was greeted by some employees in the disco with a handshake.

The students split up, some went to get drinks, some went straight to the dance floor. Laura stopped near the entrance.

Alvaro and Juanma got drinks for Roberto and the girls. They all looked around first and observed some of their classmates. When Alvaro was tapped from behind, he spun. Martina stood behind him, smiled at him and said "Where is Tobi, he doesn't know I'm coming." Alvaro took her briefly in his arms and pointed to a table in a niche. It was a small demarcation from the disco, where there was a pool table and a table football. Tobi was there with Martin Fede and Luis. Martina grinned and briefly greeted the others. Then she went to the niche and Mia saw that she was holding Tobi's eyes shut from behind. He turned around and happily took her in his arms.

Mia took Alvaro by the hand and pulled him to the dance floor. One of her favorite songs was playing and she couldn't keep her feet still.

Juanma watched them both and grinned. When a quiet song came on, Alvaro pulled Mia to him. She put her arms around his neck and her head on his shoulder. Alvaro took a deep breath. It was always those moments where he felt her love the most and where he always felt that he fell in love with her more and more. There was simply no turning back, he was hopelessly lost in his feelings and he was enjoying it very much. Mia gave him strength and calm. "I love you," he whispered to her  in her ear.

Mia looked up briefly, hugged him briefly and said "I love you too."

Roberto nudged Juanma and nodded at Laura. Laura was on the dance floor with a boy who wasn't one of them.

Juanma shrugged his shoulders briefly, but made up his mind to let Alvaro know when he was back.

Go live your way part 3Where stories live. Discover now