Ohne Titel Teil68

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When it was getting dark, Dani said "Do you dare to go into the water again? With the setting sun, the reef should look different again."

Juanma and ALvaro were immediately there. They got ready with Dani. Ramiro was briefly undecided, but then went with them.

The four of them made their way. Dani was right. the reef lit up in different colors. They stayed under the water a little longer than they thought. It was fun and they were all exhausted too.

The girls and Gaspar were back on the boat with Isabel and Toni. Isabel had made coffee.

"Do you have another sister," Dani asked with a laugh as Isabel thrust a steaming cup of coffee into his hand. "Even Toni doesn't take care of me that well. "

"You are the older one, you should take care of me" laughed Toni.

Toni had started the boat and they sat down on deck together: "I have to say, that was a really great last day. We thank you for everything, including that you look after the kids so well."

"The joy is entirely on our side. It is fun to spend time with all of you and to clear our head with spending tme with you. We even got the princess enthusiastic about diving."

Lupe grinned. "I also had a good companion."

"The island was great, thank you two, I've never seen so many fish with so many different colors." said Mia.

Lupe sat on Gaspar's lap and he rested his head on her shoulder. Mia watched it and smiled at him. He winked at her.

When they arrived at the port, Toni said "Will you come with us for a drink?"

Ramiro checked his watch and looked at Isabel. "I think we should go to the house. But we'll come back tomorrow morning, okay?"

"Sure no problem," said Dani. "It's gotten late too."

Gaspar pulled Lupe to the beach. "Can we go for a walk?" asked Gaspar. Lupe nodded.

"What will happen now when we are back home?" asked Gaspar. "I mean, everything has become easier here. Today, in particular, was really great. I would like to continue there at home."

Lupe nodded. "Let me see how mum is doing when we get back. She was with her sister and her family is a bit difficult."

Gaspar nodded. "Do you promise me something?"

When Lupe looked at him expectantly, he said, "If anything is, no matter what, who it has something to do with, talk to me. I want to know where I am and if something changes."

She took his hand and squeezed it. When they returned, Juanma, Zoe, Alvaro and Mia were sitting in the sand. Gaspar pulled Lupe towards them.

"Hey," said Gaspar, "it was great with you guys. Thanks for everything." He puts his hand briefly on Juanma's shoulder. Juanma nodded.

They talked for a while about different vacation experiences. Mia lay with her head on Alvaro's lap. Zoe leaned on Juanma's shoulder. They were all somewhat knocked out of the many experiences of the day. Juanma had a bottle of water in his hand and let a few drops run onto Mia's hairline. Mia turned around and tore the bottle from his hand with one movement and splashed him wet. Zoe had slipped away and Juanma jumped up, as did Mia. "Well wait," he called and Mia ran away. Juanma caught her and picked her up. "You started it, Juanma, no" laughed Mia. He had already run into the water with her. He dropped her. Both laughed.

"Don't you mind that," Lupe asked Zoe and Alvaro with a slight grin. "No, why should that bother us?" Asked Zoe. "We know them both," added Alvaro.

Juanma had pulled Mia out of the water again and placed her dripping wet on Alvaro's lap. "It was clear that I was getting something too," he laughed.

Juanma had run in and brought himself,  Mia and Alvaro a towel. They sat for a while and then went to the house.

Mia and Alvaro said goodbye for the night. Mia wanted to get out of the wet clothes and spend a little more time alone with Alvaro. She snuggled up to him and he took her in his arms. He held her tight and hugged her. "I love you, do you know that?"

"I notice it every second more" said Mia. "And I love you every second more."

"It's nice that Gaspar and Lupe also go well together. At the beginning I was concerned that they would go together."

"Sometimes I am still concerned ," Mia said softly. Alvaro nodded. "Gaspar spoke to Juanma this morning. He didn't look happy."

"Who  Juanma or Gaspar?" Mia asked with a smile.

"Gaspar. But Juanma didn't have the opportunity to tell me what he said"

Mia nodded. "But it is good when Gaspar talks to someone. Lupe seems to be important to him."

"Maybe it will do her good when she can feel it," said Alvaro and hugged Mia again.

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