Ohne Titel Teil 54

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Juanma held her tightly; Zoe was trembling all over. Alvaro and Mia stood in front of her. A moment later the door opened and Ramiro and Isabel stood in the door.

"What happened" they asked almost simultaneously and Isabel was already sitting on the edge of the bed. "I .. The boys were swimming and a shark was following Juanma. I couldn't scream or move. He made it to escape for a long time and then he was pulled down," said Zoe, completely out of breath and interrupted by sobs.
Juanma hugged her "I'm here, it's all good. Look, my feet are still there" he said and pulled the covers up a little. He held her tightly. She was still trembling. Isabel stroked Zoe's leg. Alvaro went out and fetched water. Zoe took a few deep breaths.
"Come on, I'll make us some tea and we'll sit down in the fresh air for a moment," Isabel said softly. Zoe nodded. She clutched Juanma's hand and crawled out of bed. Isabel put the water on and the others sat at the table up on deck. Alvaro lit the candle.
After a moment Gaspar came and wanted to know what was going on. Mia told him quietly and he sat down next to them and stroked Zoe briefly on the arm. The water was jet black. "That's where I stood," said Zoe, pointing to a spot on the railing.
Juanma caressed her very gently. Mia got cups and sugar and Isabel came with a pot of tea. "It's good it was just a dream," she said softly. "Don't you actually say where dolphins are, there wouldn't be any  sharks?"

"My dream didn't know that" said Zoe and the others laughed. Zoe had to laugh too. "Sorry that I woke you all up," she said softly. "Oh, that's not bad," said Ramiro. "I think we've all had bad nightmares before." He winked at Zoe. "I remember having to search Alvaro's room for a monster for almost an hour because he swore it was hiding in his closet."
Zoe had calmed down. Her head was on Juamma's shoulder. Nobody said anything for a moment. Then Mia asked "is everything ok again?" Zoe squeezed Juanma's hand and nodded.
Suddenly they heard a voice from the stairs. "What's going on here in the middle of the night?" Lupe asked in an annoyed voice. "Zoe had a bad dream, it's all good darling," Ramiro said.

Gaspar looked at Zoe and said "I'm going back down with her ok?" Zoe nodded and gave his hand a quick squeeze. Gaspar took his cup down and took Lupe's hand. When they were in their cabin, Lupe said, "What kind of a bad dream it was now."
"Didn't you wake up to the scream" asked Gaspar. "Yes but that was bad enough," she said and lay down again.

"Well don't be like that, she didn't do that to wake you up"
"But why does everyone have to be around her as if she were a baby? It's enough that Juanma hangs on her like a burdock."
"Come on, Lupe let's sleep." He took her in his arms and kissed her. Lupe didn't move. Gaspar took a deep breath. Slowly he began to doubt whether that would go well with both of them. Lupe showed more and more a species that did not suit him at all.
Zoe was almost asleep in Juanma's arm and he said softly, "I think we should all go back to sleep, too." "Sorry again for bothering you," Zoe said softly Mia squeezed her hand, "I would have been afraid of a dream like this,too." She said. Alvaro gathered up all the cups and put them in the kitchen. When everyone was back in bed, Juanma took Zoe in her arms. "Do you feel I'm very close to you. Don't be afraid, ok?"
Zoe nodded. "You don't go swimming tonight, do you" "No, I don't do it," said Juanma with a smile. Alvaro had also hugged Mia tightly. "Neither do I." he grinned. Mia had already closed her eyes. She enjoyed that Alvaro was holding her hand and that she could feel his breath on the back of her neck. All four quickly fell asleep again, given the circumstances. Isabel and Ramiro also talked for a moment. "Poor Zoe, I can imagine that the dream scared her," Isabel said softly.
"But only because you are not that comfortable with the sea" Ramiro said with a smile.
"But I prefer the sea from the beach. I can understand Zoe's fear a little. And then out here anyway."
Ramiro laughed softly and took Isabel in his arms, "You have to admit the dolphins were great." Isabel nodded. "I still admire your courage to romp around in the water without being afraid," she said softly. "But Lupe seemed really pissed off."
"She has to learn that she is not always the main character. I hope Gaspar manages to show her that she is important to him, but that there are other people too."
"But he won't have patience forever either, I have known him for a long time and he gets along very well with the  others here and  if he always has to part hisself in two, he won't endure it forever." "I'll talk to Lupe again," Ramiro said softly.

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