Ohne Titel Teil136

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They had decided to take full advantage of skiing again in the next two days. The weather was fantastic, the air was just cold enough for the snow to hold up well, although the sun made the surface a bit muddy in places.

Ramiro had planned another extra tour with the boys because they all like to drive fast, while the girls were more careful and also like to enjoy the sun.

The boys rattled the black slopes and discovered one they didn't know yet. Everyone, including Ramiro, had a great time.

When they got to the beginning station on the last slope, before they were supposed to join the girls again, they saw that someone had fallen on the slope. They drove towards the person, it was a man who couldn't still get up anymore. His cell phone broke in the fall and he reported that his wife and son should be waiting for him at the end of the slope.

Ramiro said "Roberto and Gaspar, you two please go down to the station and have a paramedic call and if you see someone waiting somewhere, said that Mr. ..." he turned to the fallen man and asked "Please tell me your name" .

"My name is Marco Santes," said the man. He sat in the snow but couldn't put any weight on his leg.

"Well, that Mr. Marco Santes fell," he said to the boys.

Alvaro and Juanma had marked the scene of the accident a bit with their sticks and Alvaro had put his jacket on Marco. All three had unbuckled their skis and crisscrossed them in the snow around the accident.

"Do you remember what happened?" Asked Ramiro.

"Yes, there was such a group and one of them knocked me over. He also stopped, but the rest of the group persuaded him to go on. I can't get up."

"Ok, I noticed that, please leave the ski boot on," said Ramiro, who had seen Marco want to open the boot.

Juanma had water in his backpack and offered the man something. He refused. "I feel very sick," he said.

"Did you fall on your head," asked Alvaro, who had noticed that the man had snow in the hood of his jacket.

"I rolled over once, I lost one ski straight away, but the other one didn't come off."

"Ok, try to breathe easy." said Ramiro.

Alvaro received a message from Roberto that the mountain rescue service was on the way and that the man's wife also knew.

"Help is coming soon," he said and in a moment they saw a snow vehicle with a stretcher come up the mountain.

They watched them get closer and closer. Then two paramedics were there and one asked the man what had happened. The other looked at the leg. "Do you think you can sit on the vehicle," he asked. Marco nodded and the two of them helped him to sit on the vehicle and made sure that he did not put any strain on his leg.

When he was seated well, the two paramedics buckled on skis because there was no more space for them on the vehicle. They stowed Marco's skis and thanked Ramiro and the boys for taking care of Marco.

Alvaro and Juanma sat for a moment in the snow. " Is everything ok with you?" asked Ramiro. "yes" said Alvaro. "Do you think the leg is broken" asked Juanma.

"With the greatest possible certainty," said Ramiro. Alvaro nodded. He pulled Juanma up. "Let's go to Roberto and Gaspar and then to the girls" Juanma nodded.

They started. Roberto and Gaspar waited downstairs. Ramiro briefly told them what else had happened and then they drove to the girls who were waiting for them at a hut.

Isabel had ordered drinks for Ramiro and the boys before. Ramiro talked about Marco and Isabel said, "I hope we can get around the days until the end of the holiday without an accident. But you are all driving so well, I'm not worried."

They ordered something to eat and sat in the sun for a while.

Then they set off again. They had to ski a couple of slopes until they got to their last lift.

When they arrived at the holiday home and everyone had finished showering, Alvaro and Roberto went shopping for a few more items. Isabel then prepared something to eat with the girls.

The boys were already packing up a few things. They wanted to hit the slopes again tomorrow, then they had to clean up the house and the next day they went home early

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