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The next morning Laura wasn't at class. Mercedes had reported her sick to the teachers. Alex did a relaxed go lesson with a few casual performances and let the students decide what they wanted to do.
The rest of the class was also smooth and uneventful. During the lunch break, Ramiro came to see Alvaro, Juanma and the girls. "I just wanted to tell you that Laura is on leave for a few days. Her parents were of the opinion that a while at home might be good for her and that's why I agreed."
"Did you tell them what she told us"
"No Mia, at first I just said that she was having a few problems. But I'll talk to her again when she comes back."
Alvaro said, "Ok thank you dad. Let me know if anything comes up. " I'll do it." The boys were later in the gym for basketball training. Marcello took Juanma aside for a moment. "Are you with us on the weekend?" he asked, looking at Juanma. "Nothing is planned yet," said Juanma, "Why?" "I think your mother could use a bit of variety. Your grandma is not doing so well and maybe she will be cheered up by  your visit a little." "I'll clear that with the others, but I'll definitely come home then," said Juanma.
When he was later in the yard with the others, he told them what Marcello had said and also told them that his grandma hadn't been doing very well for a few days. Mia said “If for your mother isn't too much, then we can all stay with you.” The others nodded

"It's never too much for her," said Juanma with a slight grin. He called his mother. On the phone, he didn't say that Marcello had spoken to him about it, but simply asked if it was okay if he and the others came to visit on the weekend. Florencia accepted. Juanma asked shortly after his grandma but he could already hear from Florencia's voice that it was worse. than Florencia wanted to admit. They spent the evening in the Go rooms, which, when it were not used for their actual purpose, became more and more their meeting place and lounges. Lupe joined them and Roberto and Clara were also there. Mia and Juanma performed a few songs for fun and Lupe also sang a little with Alvaro and later with Juanma. Before going to bed, Mia and Alvaro wanted to catch a little breath. They went for a walk in the park, luckily they had fetched jackets because it cooled down quickly in the evening. They ran hand in hand for a while until Mia suddenly stopped in front of Alvaro and threw her arms around him. "I love you" she said. "I love you too. Was it really bad for you at my home?"
"No, it was actually very nice. That with Laura was a bit of a shame, but your mother was somehow very different from the way I knew her."
"I once told you that it can be different. But with the thing with Lupe and Laura it was the same as always. She blackmailed Lupe and that's not fair."
"I don't know what Laura gets out of lying to everyone. That's why she was so strange when Mercedes said that her parents imvited us all over."
Alvaro nodded. "I definitely enjoyed it very much that you were at my home with me and I didn't have to hide you."
"Although that was a real adventure, do you remember how you switched off all the camera systems and the alarm?" Mia laughed. "And how quietly I crept into the bathroom." Alvaro laughed. "As if it was yesterday. I hope we can repeat that at my home. Maybe without Laura, then everything will be more relaxed." "I thought it was really nice that Javier was there. Now I really like him. In the beginning I had a strange feeling about him.
"You hid that well, just like you read the riot act for him at the beginning. I had to do a lot of convincing that you are much nicer than it seems."

Alvaro laughed. "No, we only talked about it briefly when our relationship got a little better and he sometimes listened to what was said. Then he noticed for himself that you were somehow right. But at the time he did not like to be told anything . " Mia took him in her arms. "Now everything is ok. He gets along very well with Ramiro too. ". "Still, I thought they got along very well on Friday and then the wine ..."
Alvaro laughed. "I think it's important that parents try to get along well, and I thought it was really great that he wanted to see us all and came over." Alvaro took Mia's hand again. "Your hands are totally cold. Should we go in slowly."
Mia nodded. "Juanma and Zoe are sure to be in the room already," she said, looking at the clock.

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