Ohne Titel Teil166

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Zoe and Juanma had snuggled up in bed too.

"Don't you think it's strange for you that you have other students at your home and you are here?"

"A little. But I'd rather be here with you. And it would have been strange for Mia and Alvaro to be with me at my home and there are other students here. The only important thing is that everyone is accommodated."

"Shall we visit your grandma tomorrow? If we may?"

"Yes, I wanted to ask Alvaro to go there tomorrow. I hope she can go back home when the power goes back."

Zoe squeezed his hand. Juanma smiled at her. "Was it like this when you were in the hut during the blizzard?" asked Zoe.

"I can only remember a little. I slept a lot in the period when the weather was too bad. But I think the storm there was even worse. It didn't rain, it snowed endlessly."

"If I were snowed in with you in a hut like that, I wouldn't mind"

Juanma laughed and gave her a kiss. "Just you and me," he said.

She put herself in his arms and pulled him a little bit. Juanma held her tight. He stroked her arm.

After a while Zoe said "Do you think we can go back to school Tuesday?"

"That depends. If we have electricity, at least the heating will work again. But a lot has happened. Let's see when it can be repaired, because the weather is not getting any better at the moment."

"Maybe then we will get lessons on the computer"

"That is possible. At least Alvaro's class maybe, he should also be writing an exam this week"

"I think Ramiro will tell us everything, we're right at the source," laughed Zoe.

"Sometimes I feel sorry for him. He has so much on his mind. Mercedes alone is a complete package."

"Yes, that's right. I think that's why Alvaro tries to help as much as possible. And of course we do too."

"It's still good for us that we are young. Not so much responsibility yet," said Juanma. "But when we have children ..."

"But children also give a lot back," said Zoe. "It's a lot of responsibility, but also a lot of beautiful things."

Juanma nodded. "Especially when you are the mother"

"We're having two girls and both of them get bitchy like me," laughed Zoe

Juanma rolled his eyes "Just not" but he also laughed.

He took Zoe in his arms again. Both closed their eyes. Juanma was awake a moment longer. He thought briefly of his grandma. But then he too fell asleep.

The next morning, Ramiro was up long before the teenagers. He was sitting at the laptop at the dining table when Mia and Alvaro got up.

"Good morning you two," he greeted her. They both smiled at him and returned his greetings

"Have you already eaten something" asked Mia.

"No, I just wanted to do some things here. I'll make room here right away so we can set the table"

Alvaro and Mia made new coffee and when Ramiro closed the laptop they set the table. Roberto and Clara had just got up and helped put everything down.

Isabel had woken up too and when everything was ready, Zoe and Juanma came too.

At breakfast Juanma said "Alvaro can we visit my grandma later?"

Alvaro nodded and said "Let me know when you want to leave, I have a few free lessons today"

The others laughed. "I thought after breakfast. Then we can look at school afterwards to see if we can do something."

"That would be great," said Ramiro. "The new window will come on Wednesday, if the weather allows it and we could prepare the room so that the workers have room. And check whether the tarpaulin has held."

Roberto said "Then I'll go to school with the girls and Alvaro and Juanma will follow, okay?"

Zoe looked briefly at Juanma, he nodded. Then she said "Ok I think this is a good plan"

They put everything away and finished off. Ramiro had found out from the electricity company that more was broken than expected, and he had asked that he be contacted because he would have to inform the students as soon as possible.

"Then I wasn't that wrong with my computer lessons," said Zoe.

Ramiro nodded. "I already had the idea, but now we don't want to rush anything."

When everyone was ready to go, Ramiro said "I have to write a few more emails, then I'll stop by Mercedes and then come to school."

He gave Mia the key to the main entrance. "If something seems strange to you, you better leave your fingers off and wait until I get there. Take a tour and see if anything else has happened."

The students nodded. "Don't worry papa, we're careful."

Isabel stayed home because she had to work. Ramiro promised to hurry up.

Alvaro and Juanma took Mia and Zoe in their arms. "We'll be there soon too," promised Junma. "I just want to see how my grandma is doing"

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