Ohne Titel Teil89

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"You met her," Zoe uttered almost a little too loudly. Juanma put his finger to her lips. "Don't shout so loud," he whispered.

Zoe looked at him expectantly. He took her hand. He said quietly, "Zoe, it was nothing special. She wanted to apologize. I know how you feel when you've done crap, but you can't get rid of an apology. I told her how much that hit me and that we'd be tomorrow talk to Ramiro. "Zoe nodded. "Ok" she said. "Maybe it was even good. Did she tell you something?"

"Yeah, that her boyfriend broke up because of the distance. Well and now she's lonely."

"But you'll explain to me tomorrow what that has to do with you, the bracelet and the box, won't you?"Zoe said sleepily

Juanma had to grin. He nodded and then said, "I was expecting a little widcat in a Zoe costume."

She took him in her arms. "I'm too tired for that now. Wait until I'm up tomorrow." she grinned and gave him a kiss.

He returned her hug. "Thank you," he said. "For trusting me and not being angry with me".

"I love you," Zoe muttered half asleep. "But now you're staying with me, aren't you?"

Juanma nodded and pulled her closer. He took a deep breath. He was still pissed off that Laura had done all these things. And he wasn't about to let her get any closer, either, but he could understand her feelings and her grief. He caressed Zoe gently and enjoyed her presence. He wondered how he would feel if Zoe moved away. They had already stood on this threshold once and luckily they hadn't had to go through it because her parents had decided not to move. He was sure they'd both tried to keep their relationship going. But that's easy to say when you haven't been thousands of miles away. Juanma inhaled the scent of Zoe's hair.

He didn't even notice that he was asleep when the alarm clock woke him from deep sleep. He was the last to stand up and only when Alvaro threatened to pour a toothbrush cup with water over him.

Laura was at breakfast, she sat alone at the table and avoided eye contact with everyone. After breakfast, Juanma, Mia, Laura and Fede were supposed to see Ramiro. Mercedes was in his office.

He first asked Laura, Mia and Juanma into his office and asked Laura "Can you tell me again briefly what happened to your bracelet?"

Laura said she found it again after going to Mercedes and saying it had disappeared on the GO after Mia and Juanma were on the GO as first and last persons when she lost it. She apologized to both of them and Mia also had the impression that she meant it honestly. Nevertheless, Mia and Juanma were allowed to say how they had felt with these allegations. Mia said that she was very disappointed that she was trusted to do something like that. Juanma looked at Laura briefly and then said "I feel the same way. It would have been nicer if you had asked whether we saw it or something."

Laura nodded. "I'm sorry. It's all just so much."

"Mia, if you have nothing more to say, would you send Fede in and leave the room?"

Mia nodded. Fede went in.

"The boys would like to know why you ransacked the room."

Laura looked at the floor, "I was hoping to find the bracelet and I wanted ..." she looked from Fede to Juanma. Juanma said "It's okay. I don't think there is a real reason for it anyway."

"It's okay, but I haven't put back my clothes in the closet. It would be great if you would do that. You throw them out too."

Ramiro had to hold back a grin. "Ok, so I would like to speak to Laura alone, but you can then go to your class."

Fede and Juanma got up. "Juanma, I also want to apologize to you for blaming you about the bracelet," said Mercedes. "I acted hastily and I'm sorry. Please tell Mia about that too." Juanma nodded. It was on the tip of his tongue that Mercedes should deliver her apology to Mia herself, but he imagined that Mia didn't really care.

When Laura was also dismissed by Mercedes and Ramiro, Ramiro said "We will have to take care of Laura. I would like to speak to her parents. In a timely manner."

Mercedes nodded. "I'll call Ilaria."

"Ok, thank you. And one more thing I don't want you to accuse the students of that kind. Of course, I can handle such things without me, if the case is clear. But in a case like this where you don't know it exactly, I would prefer if we talk about it beforehand. "

Mercedes looked at him. "But we have to pursue these things."

"You're right, but I don't think Florencia is thrilled either when Juanma tells her at home that you accused him of stealing something from a classmate and, to be honest, I'm not as Mia's father either."

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