Ohne Titel Teil145

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Emanuel spent the evening in the gym with Juanma, Alvaro, Fede and Nico. The girls watched basketball with Simon and him. He knew the rules and seemed to enjoy basketball. "Simon, Emanuel, join us, play along." Alvaro called and Simon immediately jumped up. Emanuel followed him.

He could play, but of course he wasn't as sure with  the ball as the basketball players on the school team.

When Juanma took a drink break, Juanma said to the girls "I take it back that Emanuel is boring."

When he wanted to get back on the field, Roberto wint in and  said, "Hey, can I still play?" asked he

"Sure. Come in, you play with us," said Alvaro

"That's unfair, then you are one more." said Nico

"We only train" countered Juanma "

"Yes, but then you are three strong players." said Nico again.

"No matter what," shouted Fede, "we just want to have fun."

They played for quite a while. Juanma noticed that Roberto kept looking at Emanuel from time to time.

"I know you from somewhere," he said suddenly to him.

Emanuel shrugged his shoulders. "We didn't go to the same school?."

"Do you know Paolo Estero?" asked Roberto now.

"The one with the drugs? You don't mean that one, do you? I don't know him, but a friend of mine. I only saw him briefly once."

"At Nico's?"

" Yes"

"Then we saw each other there too," laughed Roberto, "but I'm not there anymore  either. I have no more contact with Paolo either."

"I'm very pleased," said Emanuel, clapping Roberto's hand. "Neither did my friend. As far as I heard, they arrested Paolo. Unfortunately, they had to let him go again."

Roberto shrugged his shoulders. "I haven't heard it yet, but I don't care either"

They kept playing. When the boys were knocked out, Alvaro said "Shall we go to the GO for a while?"

"To the GO?" repeated Emanuel "Do you want to dance now?"

"No," laughed Roberto, "We'll withdraw in the evenings. With two children from the executive floor with us, you have free travel in some things."

"Oh, that's how it works here" He took a step towards Mia and put his arm around her again. "Then you are my best friend from today" he laughed, but pulled his arm back again. Alvaro looked at him briefly but said nothing.

Juanma laughed "watch out, this is the concentrated executive floor"

They sat down in the Go rooms and Juanma turned on music. After a while a song by Charlie was playing, where Mia and Juanma were singing. Mia sang along to her part and Emanuel looked at her. "Wait a Moment, that's you singing, isn't it?"

"Mia grinned at him and said" Yes "

"" That's cool, you always sang great, even with Gaspar "

"The other voice is Juanma," said Zoe, laying her head on Juanma's shoulder.

Emanuel listened a moment and then said "You two have great voices, it works really well."

it was getting late and the students decided to withdraw.

When Mia and Zoe were in their room with the boys, Juanma said, "For the fact that he only concentrates on natural science, he's really funny."

In general, the impression that Emanuel had made was good.

Mia snuggled into Alvaro's arms. "He understood that we were together."

"Yes, I told you that. Maybe he's interested in Laura."

"Did you see her move away after he sat down. I think she didn't like him from the first moment."

"She doesn't like anyone," said Alvaro. "At least not right away. Let's wait and see."

They fell asleep quickly. the day had been exciting and somehow long. The next day Alvaro had to take an exam and he felt guilty that he hadn't studied.

The next day on Go, Alex looked at the progress of the two groups. Lupe said, "I don't work with Laura anymore. She talked badly everything I said, and the whole performance consists only of her suggestions."

Alex looked at Laura, who said, "Everything she suggests doesn't match my movements."

He said to the girls "Come out with me, please". When he got outside he said "The point of the work is that one learns to accept suggestions and to adapt the choroes a bit. Of course it has to fit together a bit. But it is also important that the other learns to assert something and that to properly submit his ideas to others. "

"But she" started Lupe and Alex said, "Show me a place where your suggestions cannot be combined." Lupe hummed the melody and Laura made her move and Lupe stopped." At that point I would do it like this, "she said while she was doing it makes a turn and lifted the right leg very high.

"But that fits, look, Laura, do that again" Laura made her move and Alex held her in one place. "If you go forward now you can move to the right into the turn and then use the rest of Lupe's suggestion. Personally, I would now like it very much"

Lupe looked at Laura and Laura said "As far as I'm concerned" She wanted to turn around and leave.

"Stop" said Alex "What do you learn from it"

"To allow other things and not to give up straight away," Laura droned off and Lupe looked at Alex.

"Okay then," grinned Alex. Even if he wasn't satisfied with Laura's manner, he had the impression that a little something had got through to her.

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