Ohne Titel Teil143

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Laura looked astonished and relieved at the same time when Juanma walked up to her. Mia looked uncertainly at Zoe, but Zoe nodded and smiled at her.

Juanma sat down with Laura. "hey" he said.

"Hi" she replied. After a moment she said. "Did you have trouble with Zoe because I called you on vacation."

"No," said Juanma. "I ... no, everything was ok. But why did you do that?" asked he.

"My friend ... Maurice ... he wanted to come on vacation. Then he said he couldn't do it and then ... nothing came up."

"Is he reading your messages?"

"I ... I don't know, but I suppose so."

"Don't you think ... well ... I mean if he doesn't answer ..."

"You mean it should tell me it's over," said Laura, looking at the floor. "But we've been together for so long and he promised me that the removal wouldn't destroy anything. And now I'm here for a few weeks and already ..."

"Laura, but you can't just disappear."

"I know the police said that too. My parents are more disappointed than angry. They actually seem to have enough worries."

"Wouldn't you like to  tell me what's going on with you?"

The doorbell rang and Alvaro shouted "We have to go back to class." Laura looked at Juanma and they both stood up. "Saved by the school gong," said Juanma.

He went up to Zoe and took her hand. Then they went to class with the others.

Mia hadn't been able to think about Emilio the whole time, but suddenly she remembered. After the lunch lesson, Alvaro noticed that Mia was a little quiet. He asked Mia if everything was ok. Mia quietly told the others about the new student that Mercedes might want to take to school.

"If he can play basketball then we can take him in," said Juanma with a laugh.

"I don't think he can play basketball, I think he's more in the science part."

"So he's boring," said Juanma.

"You can't put it that way," said Mia. "He's funny, but neither athletic nor artistically gifted"

"Why is he coming here?" Asked Zoe.

"I don't know, I have no contact with him"

The boys had basketball practice so they went to the gym. The girls watched.

"After the break we have to start slowly" said Marcello and smiled. "Catch and throw training."

"It's boring," said Alvaro. "Let's play right away."

"Well, let's see then," laughed Marcello. "Split up."

He winked at the girls. The boys had split into two teams and started the game.

Marcello was satisfied. "Great, then I can turn  us in the next game."

After training, JUanma told the others what Laura had said. "The appearance with lupe today was ready for the stage," said Zoe.

"I'm excited to see how that works out on their eam," said Mia.

"We have to get our performance right first," said JUanma with a laugh.

Alvaro cell phone rang and he saw that it was Ramiro. When he took the call, Ramiro said, "I just wanted to let you know that the flights for Friday and Sunday are clear. I've booked everything and I'll take you to the airport on Friday after school, Dani and Toni will pick you up."

"Thank you Ramiro," said Alvaro.

After dinner the boys played a bit more basketball. They had a lot of fun and one or the other had to admit in the end that he had missed being together very much.

Juanma and Alvaro retired to their room early with the girls. They were happy to have some rest again.

"did Ramiro tell you if he will take Emilio"

"No, I haven't talked to him about it again." said Mia.

When she was in bed with Alvaro, Mia said, "Emlio wanted something from me. When he comes here, I don't hope he'll start again because then I'll be someone he already knows."

"Mia, we are beyond such things. You make it clear to him that we are together and either he accepts it or he will get it. Please don't worry."

"No, I don't either. But I'm just happy that everything is calm and ok. We all had so much stress and at the moment everything is so harmonious, even with Lupe

"Now let's wait and see if he comes here. Then we'll see how we deal with him."

Mia put her arms around his neck. "I love you," she said softly.

"I love you too and I trust you too. So please don't worry"

Mia nodded and kissed him. She snuggled up against him and tried to concentrate on his breathing. He stroked her a little and noticed how she slowly dozed off.

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