Ohne Titel Teil48

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When Gaspar got to the cabin, Lupe was lying on the bed with her book. "What's the matter, why are you here" he asked.

"I don't feel like watching you when you're just looking at Mia."

"I didn't. We all romped in the water. And I saw a turtle that I wanted to show her. Lupe we're on vacation here, it's normal for everyone to do something with everyone, isn't it?"

"And I sit here alone all the time and have to listen to stupid sayings from Isabel."

"Why what was the matter."

Lupe told Gaspar what had happened and that Isabel had pissed off at her.

"I'm sorry, but she's right. Zoe was in panic and when we're all here together, we stick together. You too can panic and then you don't want someone to react like you did , right."

"You always only stick to the others." said Lupe.

Gaspar took her hand. "That's not true at all. But you are very dismissive. I know that it is difficult for you, but it is difficult for the others too. And if Juanma and Alvaro were able to overcome their differences, can't you try that too?"

"I want to read now," said Lupe, and turned back to her book.

Gaspar sighed and went back to the others. "Everything ok" asked Alvaro.

"the usual," replied Gaspar.

Mia and Zoe helped Isabel prepare the meal. Lupe only came on time when it was finished. After dinner, Ramiro and Isabel sat a little away from the kids in the evening sun. Ramiro had left the boat secured where they'd swum.

"Lupe is having trouble finding her way into the group," said Isabel, and told Ramiro what happened today when he asked. "Give her some time and don't call it in person," Ramiro said and took Isabel in his arms.

"I don't either. But she doesn't enjoy the time here when she's just lying in her bed. And Gaspar won't look at it forever either." She nodded to Gaspar, who was sitting alone by the ede of the boat and looking out over the water.

Ramiro took a deep breath. "Let's wait until tomorrow. Let her sleep over it for a night. And then we'll see, okay?" Isabel nodded. She looked at Gaspar again. "Go to him," said Ramiro and smiled at Isabel. She nodded and sat down next to Gaspar.

"So thoughtful," she said. Gaspar looked at her. "I knew she was having trouble with Mia. But she won't let me come near to  her either. At least not as long as I get along well with the others."

"I talked to Ramiro about it. He said we should give her time."

Gaspar nodded. "Yes, I try to tell myself that too." he put his hand briefly on Isabel's hand and said "thank you Isabel." She smiled at him. "would you like to play a card game with Ramiro and me. Ramiro knows a lot of games."

"gladly." nodded Gaspar.

"Ok, I'll ask him."

Ramiro agreed and also asked others who were also happy to be there. There was still enough light on deck, so they played outside.

They heard a croak from the radio and Alvaro went to answer: "Hey Alvaro? Here's Dani, I just wanted to know if everything is ok. "

Alvaro had to grin. Typical Dani." Hey dani, yes everything is fine here, it was a wonderful day. "

" That's great, good night then, and tell Zoe to  watch out for the sharks. "He laughed." Good night, "said Alvaro, laughing too.

He went back to the others and said greetings from Dani. "I hope you haven't looked at my cards  now." he said.

"No, we haven't, but if you next take off the King of Hearts that you have in hand, I'll be angry," said Juanma. Everyone laughed.

"Nobody was looking," said Isabel.

"I don't have a King of Hearts either," said Alvaro.

"Thanks for the information," laughed Juanma.

Lupe was lying on her bed and heard the others laugh. She tried to concentrate on her book, which she actually didn't want to read. After a while she went up. She stood for a moment and Ramiro said "Come sit down with us, you can play the round with me and we will redistribute it in a moment."

"No thanks," said Lupe in the annoyed Tone. Alvaro and Juanma exchanged a look. "Now come on honey, sit here."

A little reluctantly, Lupe dropped onto the bench next to Ramiro. She watched a little, but got up shortly before the new lap should start. "You don't want to play Lupe ..." "No, I don't want to". She went to the stern of the ship and stared at the water.

She winced when a voice behind her said "Don't you want to go into the water tomorrow morning?" She spun around and Gaspar took her in his arms. Lupe paused for a moment and then returned the hug. "Was the water very cold".

"Well, yes," said Gaspar and smiled at her.

"I'll think about it," she said. "Are you coming down now?" Gaspar nodded.

"I'll just let the others know, okay?"

He went back to the others briefly and said goodbye for the night. Ramiro looked after him thoughtfully for a moment and then turned back to the game.

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