Ohne Titel Teil66

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It wasn't long before they saw the island right in front of them. It was like a movie set. The students were all delighted. Ramiro put his arm around Isabel. "Isn't that a dream," he said to her. Isabel nodded. She took his hand. "Thank you," she said. "That you take me here." Ramiro took her in his arms.

"We're getting pretty close to the island where we want to dive, but I suggest that we start from the boat. Who is there?"

Alvaro and Juanma had their fingers up before Dani finished the question. Mia too. "Come on Zoe, you showed me that you can do it and that you enjoy it too." Zoe grinned and stood by Juanma.

"Well, this is something like school here" laughed Toni. "Ramiro you are there too, aren't you? Gaspar?" When Gaspar nodded, Toni said "Then you come with me and Ramiro. Isabel? Lupe?"

Lupe waved it off. Isabel looked at Ramiro. Dani grinned. "My suggestion, we go on a dive, then I take Isabel with me with my bottle. Maybe Lupe would like to do that too." Dani secured the boat.

Alvaro and the other three got ready. Lupe watched everything closely. Toni helped Gaspar put on the equipment, Ramiro managed everything on his own. Dani said "If you want, you can almost walk to the island. The water is not deep here. I have waterproof pockets for towels."

When Toni went under the water with the four of them, Lupe looked after them: "Would you like to come with us?" asked Toni. Lupe looked at Gaspar.

"I'll make you a suggestion, we go into the water with the snorkeling gear," said Isabel. "Then we can watch the others"

Lupe looked at Isabel. For a moment, Gaspar had the feeling that she was going to say something bad. She took a deep breath and said, "that's a good idea." she smiled at Isabel.

When Toni disappeared under water with the two of them, Isabel and Lupe were sitting on the ladder. "Thank you for not leaving me alone," said Lupe. " How do you mean?" asked Isabel.

"I wasn't always nice to you. And yet you noticed that I didn't know what I wanted and you suggested we do something together."

"Lupe, what you're doing right now is not easy. I realize that you have to deal with a lot. Your family, as it was there for years, doesn't exist anymore. But Lupe, you have many people who care about you, who love you. Apart from your mother and Ramiro, I know that Alvaro loves you very much. And Gaspar ... I've known him for a long time. But the look that I see in his eyes , when he looks at you, I haven't seen in his eyes often. "

Lupe put on the diving goggles. Isabel saw that she was swallowing. "Let's go into the water." she said and put her hand on Lupes for a second.

The water was cold, but they could see the divers below them very quickly. And Dani hadn't promised too much, the reef was like a picture book. Toni had attached Gaspar to his bottle. Ramiro quickly got used to it again. He started swimming lively.

They swam a little further towards the reef. Toni saw them and waved. Isabel lay quietly in the water and let the image of what was beneath her sink in.

Toni reappeared first with his small group. Ramiro was delighted. "I forgot how great that is," he said. Isabel and Lupe climbed onto the boat after them. Lupe sat down next to Gaspar. " How was it?" she asked. "Nice. It's very unusual to breathe with the device. But a great experience." " Where are the others?" asked Isabel.

"Oh Dani is in his element. He will find a thousand corners here where he can dive into with the others."

"Let's swim to the island," said Ramiro. "We can warm up a little in the sun."

The sand was warm and soft. In the background were palm trees. You could almost see a hammock in your mind's eye. Gaspar and Lupe lay down a little apart from Toni, Ramiro and Isabel.

"A grill wouldn't be bad now," laughed Toni. "And a cool beer," said Ramiro.

"That was clear," said Isabel. She lay back and closed her eyes. Ramiro looked at her. He fell in love with her more and more every day.

Gaspar also looked over at the two of them. "The two seem happy." he said.

Lupe nodded. "What he did with mom too." Gaspar took her in his arms. "He deserves to be happy, doesn't he?"

" Are you happy".

Gaspar paused for a moment.

"I'm making it difficult for you, right?" asked Lupe.

Gaspar nodded. " sometimes."

Lupe took his hand. "I ... I really like you. And ... I don't want to lose you either. But I don't want to hurt you either."

"Just try ... to be a little bit more like you are now."

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