Teil ohne Titel 6

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She looked at him briefly and sat down on the couch, albeit a little away from him. "Why did we get married." he asked her.

"Because we loved each other."

"And before that marriage we broke up again. You wanted to try again with Javier. Then you came back to me because it didn't work the second time with him either."

She looked down.

" I'm right?"

"Yes, he didn't keep his ..." Ramiro interrupted her. "You were pregnant. From him. You sent Mariana away. She listened to you because of the baby and because she didn't know she was pregnant too." Mercedes swallowed and looked at her hands, which were clutching the coffee cup.

"Because your second attempt with Javier didn't work, you ruined what I wanted to restart with. And Mercedes .." he took his hand and lifted her chin slightly, "please look at me, look into my eyes and say me now that I don't give you a choice. " He paused for a moment. Then he said quietly, "Many other men would have banned you from school and taken everything that was possible from you."

He saw that Mercedes had tears in her eyes. He seemed to come through to her . "I just tried to build something new out of the pieces you made out of my life. And yes, I admit, I'm happy. And I'm sorry, and I mean that honestly, that you aren't happy. But you have something very, very precious. You have two wonderful children who love you. And I ask only one thing from you. Do not destroy their love and do not destroy the children. "

Mercedes had lowered her eyes again. Ramiro saw that her hand was shaking and he took the coffee cup from her hand and placed it on the table. "Mercedes, I never wanted to hurt you. Not with Mariana, not with Isabel. Not even when I became friends with Javier. You know how many reservations we had against each other. But I drew a line and so did he. We did it for Lupe nd Alvaro .Because I love them both immensely. " He got Mercedes to look at him again. He saw a tear running down her cheek and wiped it away. She grabbed his hand and held it tight.

"Please let us try to build a good relationship for the children. We both made mistakes and I suggest trying to draw a line under it. For the love of the children and also for our life's work , the school. Let us bury the hatchet and make peace . "He withdrew his hand from hers and handed her coffee back. She took a sip, this time looking at him of her own free will.

"Ramiro, I know I hurt you very much. I lied, that's right. But I did it because you would have left me if I had told you the truth."

"How do you know?"

"That doesn't matter now. Ramiro The fact is, I still love you. I want to bring our family back together."

"Mercedes, I'm with Isabel now and I'm happy with her. I don't want to hurt you with this, but we have to try to come to terms with the new situation, but still try to be good parents."

Again he saw the tears in Mercedes' eyes . She wiped her eyes briefly and said "Lupe said some very unpleasant things to me over the weekend"

"Even if I don't approve of that, I can understand her a little. You are unpredictable at the moment. The children don't know where  they  stand with you. "

Lupe had fallen on Alvaro's neck when he entered her room. "You're finally here. I can't take this anymore."

"Lupe keep calm. Ramiro is here too. He's talking to her."

"He has often done that.
I won't move with her, I told her"

"We won't either."

"How was your weekend?"

"You should have come along, you would have liked the horses and the surroundings."

"Do you really think so?" asked Lupe with a doubtful undertone.

"No," laughed Alvaro. "But it would have done you pretty good there, I'm sure."

"Shall we go downstairs?" Asked Lupe. Alvaro nodded.

Ramiro and Mercedes were still sitting on the couch and Ramiro was holding Mercedes hand when the two joined them. Lupe looked at Alvaro in surprise. "Alvaro and I are both of the opinion that we won't move. We'll go to Papa then." Lupe said with a defiant undertone.

"Darling, nothing is certain yet," said Ramiro and briefly squeezed Mercedes' hand.

"But she can't just pull us out of our surroundings."

"Let's sit down", Alvaro tried to support Ramiro to get peace in the situation.

"First of all, Lupe, I would like your tone to change again with your mother. But Mercedes, I really ask you to reconsider your plan in all aspects that we have discussed. I would be, apart from everything, sad to  lose the principal of the school. "

"I have to think about it. Everything. And about Isabel ..."

"We'll both discuss that another time," said Ramiro. "Alvaro and I will go   now. See you tomorrow at school"

He got up and looked at Mercedes again. Alvaro took Lupe in his arms and gave her a squeeze. He also gave Mercedes a short farewell hug.

Go live your way part 3Where stories live. Discover now