Ohne Titel Teil100

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Javier wanted to hear everything he had missed and Mercedes looked at Alvaro in amazement from time to time. She was not used to Javier being really interested in the students and although Alvaro had told her several times that Papa had changed, she was very surprised.

The evening was long, the students retired to their rooms and Javier said goodbye shortly afterwards. Juanma and Zoe stayed in Alvaro's room for a while. Laura had withdrawn a little earlier.

"She's had something since she knew that we'd be with her tomorrow." said Mia.

"I'm so excited about the house and the many people who have to walk around there. So this house here is really a dream and huge, but how does her home have to be." said Zoe

Juanma didn't say anything. He had his own thoughts about Laura's strange behavior, but didn't want to tell the others yet.

Zoe and Juanma also said goodbye for the night.

When Mia and Alvaro were in bed, Alvaro said "in fact you have been to my room twice."

"Yeah the one time you had a date with Olivia."

"That wasn't a date, she ... she just showed up here. She wanted to see maths and I didn't know you were in my room."

"I got lost and came across the room. And since I thought it was yours ..... I ... well then I took a closer look and then I heard you coming. Me I had to hide. "

Alvaro had to laugh. "And you thought I wanted something from her."

"Well come on, you were in doubt."

"Did she tell you that?" asked Alvaro. He remembered talking to Olivia about mia.

"No, she never mentioned you. But I noticed. Sometimes. When I wasn't too busy with my feelings. And that she thought you were great, that was obvious."

"I was insecure. She suddenly took care of me. And you ... you sent me totally contradicting signals. I never knew where I was with you. I was also afraid. I would lose myself in feelings and then be disappointed . And in between I thought I was going crazy because it was all you in my head. The boys always said I had to pull myself together. But then ... but then Olivia told me to listen to my heart , my anger at Juanma and my feelings for you grew more and more. I hated it when he was just around you. You chose me, then went back again ... I thought it would tear my heart out When you said you couldn't have a relationship with me. I understood you, but I was very sad. "

Mia had taken Alvaro's hand and sat up. She could see that the memory of the time still bothered him. "I'm sorry that you ..."

She got no further. Alvaro had also sat up and kissed her. "I don't need to apologize Mia. You have suffered no less than me during that time. Different but no less. In some tentative conversations with Juanma I have found that we are not that different. And that when we were  friends we could be for  you much more as if we were fighting over you. And now I have the greatest girlfriend in the world and the best friend in the world. "

Mia threw her arms around him. "Whenever I wanted to get close to you, Olivia somehow came into play. But I was too messed up to somehow see it clearly."

"It's great the way it is. And I'm so happy to be here with you ... in my bed ... in my home ....."

He pulled Mia back onto the mattress and pulled her close. Mia took a deep breath. She didn't like to think about how much Alvaro must have suffered. he didn't deserve to suffer when he himself always wanted the best for everyone. And now Lupe seemed to be adjusting too, maybe because of Gaspar, maybe because she had gotten used to many things. Even Zoe no longer killed Lupe with her eyes, which was a really big step forward.

She breathed deeply again and Alvaro asked "Is everything ok?"

"Yes, it's better than ok. I'm happy. And somehow I'm arrived. Even if I'm still a bit unsure here. But in your arms ... I'm in good hands."

Alvaro nodded and smiled. He felt that too and he hoped that Mia would feel at home with him over the weekend. He hoped Mercedes stayed the way she was right now. He hugged Mia.

"You changed so many things Mia. I love you and I never want to lose you."

"I can only give that back. I was kind of in love with you from the first moment. But there were so many impressions that I couldn't place it. And I love you too."

Go live your way part 3Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant