Ohne Titel Teil67

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"Shouldn't Dani and the others be back slowly?" Asked Isabel.

"They are in good hands with Dani. Let her," said Ramiro.

He hadn't said it yet when he saw them coming out of the water. Mia smiled all over her face. "We saw a turtle again and I swam after her with Dani. I could touch her." she laughed. Ramiro took her in his arms. He loved it when Mia spoke with so much joy in her voice. She infected everyone with her good mood. "

"All four of them are now professionals," said Dani and he really had pride in his voice. "With enthusiasm. It's really fun"

"Yes, of course, you get the professionals and I get the newcomers," laughed Toni.

"Are you saying we were bad," said Ramiro with a smile

"no of course not." said Toni.

Gaspar and Lupe had come back to the others too. "I want to try that too," said Lupe. Everyone looked at her. "Are you sure" asked Gaspar. Lupe nodded. "Ok" said Dani. "Half an hour break, then I'll go in again."

Mia and Alvaro explored the island. It wasn't particularly big, but too big to go around. They lay down in the sand, out of sight of the others.

"I think it's such a shame that the vacation is coming to an end. We could have done all of that for two weeks," said Alvaro. "It's so incredibly peaceful here"

Mia closed her eyes and enjoyed the fact that Alvaro traced her facial features with his finger. He brushed a strand of hair from her face.

Mia took his hand and kissed it. "I love you" she said.

"I saw you smiling despite diving equipment when you saw the turtle," Alvaro said with a laugh. "And I love you too," he kissed her.

"It's great here, a great idea from both of them"

"Ramiro and Isabel will soon be inseparable too," said Alvaro.

"Does it still hurt you?"

"No, it didn't. And Ramiro really deserves someone at his side. Who is as warm-hearted as Isabel. I think she's even getting close to Lupe."

Mia nodded, "I hope so," she said. "Everything else is bad enough for Ramiro. If Lupe and ISabel didn't get along at all, it would be even harder for him."

"Can you promise me something?" asked Alvaro.

Mia looked at him questioningly. "I would like, should the completely impossible case arise that we no longer love each other so much, that our children still have parents in us."

Mia nodded. "So if the unimaginable event occurs, we will both do what is best for the children together." she smiled at him.

He took her in his arms. "That was of course purely hypotetical." said Alvaro with a laugh.

Mia got up. "Let's go to the others, not that they believe an island monster was eating us"

Alvaro laughed again.

When they got to the others, Dani and Lupe were already gone. "Weren't you going to try?" asked Mia Isabel.

"Lupe wanted to dive alone with Dani." said Isabel. Mia shrugged.

"She's afraid she won't be able to do it. And there shouldn't be too many watching." said Gaspar.

Alvaro nodded. He had thought something like that.

Dani had shown Lupe a few basics. Then he went a little underwater with her. He showed her how to breathe slowly.

When they were back with the others, Dani said "She did well too. Somehow  you two are natural talents" he looked at ALvaro and Lupe smiled proudly.

Dani had fetched a ball from the boat and tossed it to Alvaro. "Well, we don't have any baskets here, but catching training can be done anywhere, right?" Juanma had intervened and intercepted the ball. "That's what I meant," laughed Dani.

Juanma threw the ball to Alvaro and he threw it to Dani. They played for a long time in the warm sand.

Zoe had taken Mia by the hand and wanted to take her to the water to look for mussels. Mia reached out for Lupe and pulled her with her. Lupe looked questioningly but then let herself be taken away. It didn't take long and all three were deep in the sand, looking for the most unusual shell. Alvaro watched the three for a moment, so he didn't see the ball coming at him. When he got it to his head, everyone laughed. Juanma had seen his look, he went to him put an arm around his shoulder and nodded. He knew what had been going on in Alvaro. There she was again, his little sister looking for mussels. Alvaro nodded. and swallowed briefly. Then he picked up the ball and threw it to Toni, who had meanwhile joined their game. Ramiro had pulled Isabel up and was walking with her along the water. "I think the vacation was good for us. I mean for everyone," he said.

"Yes, I have that feeling too," said Isabel. "I was able to talk to Lupe for a moment today and it was definitely good for her that the diving went so well."

"The boys are growing together more and more. It's nice, after all the stress the two of them have always had."

"And then you come to rest again. When you don't have to worry so much about the others," Isabel said and smiled happily at him. She took him in his arms and he picked her up and turned with her once in a circle.

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