Ohne Titel Teil72

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The mood in the living room became more and more exuberant. Mia had seen Juanma go outside. She saw him sitting on a stump in the garden.

After a while she went to him.

When she was about to ask him if everything was okay, he said "I always miss him the most on days like this." Mia squeezed in next to him and put her arm around him. "I know, I feel the same way," she said softly, "but remember, he's up there somewhere and wants you to be happy."

Juanma wiped a tear from his eye, "I know ... but I would like him to be here with me and see that I am happy." He swallowed. "He will never see that I drive. That I graduate ..."

Mia put a finger to his lips, "Close your eyes. Call up a beautiful memory with him in front of your eyes. Do you see him?"

Juanma nodded. This time Mia wiped a tear from his cheek.

"He's smiling," said Juanma.

"He's smiling right now because he sees you celebrating your birthday with your friends. He's happy for you."

She took him in her arms. "I know it's hard on days like this. But it will get better too." She caressed his back for a moment.

Lupe had observed it, Gaspar was standing next to her and had his arm around her. "You still miss him, right?" asked he.

"No, not exactly. I just wonder why I couldn't do this. I never got so close to him that he let me  comfort him."

"He has changed and so have you. With me, you could always get close to me in such situations." He hugged her briefly. "Lupe, I think I've never said that to you before. And you don't have to answer it either. But I have to tell you ... I love you"

Lupe looked him in the eye. Then she took him in her arms. That was enough of an answer for Gaspar for the moment. He took her hand and led her to dance.

Mia wanted to take Juanma by the hand and take him with her. "Give me a moment," he said. Mia nodded "I'm going to Alvaro, okay?" Juanma nodded.

"Mia" he called as she turned around. She turned back to him. "Thanks", he said

At her questioning look he said: "You noticed it again. And you came to me."

She smiled and nodded.

As Mia passed Florencia and Mercedes, Florencia said, "Is he ok?".

Mia nodded and smiled at her.

"That you allow that when he is with Zoe and she with Alvaro."

"the kids have come to terms with each other perfectly. I don't interfere. As long as nobody suffers. Mia included." said Florencia.

Marcello and Ramiro came into the living room with the grilled things. "I think we can eat," said Marcello.

Everyone came to the table and got something to eat. Fede and Nico took Juanma in the middle. Of course, Fede and Tobi hadn't really planned anything else. After dinner, everyone slowly makes their way home. Of course, Mia and Alvaro stayed with Juanma.

Lupe took him firmly in his arms as he said goodbye "It was nice to be here again." Juanma nodded. "Great that you were there."

"Lupe, you will come home later"

"Mom, I told you, I'll be staying with Gaspar on the weekend" with that she closed the door behind her.

Florencia looked at Mercedes. "That's nice. Be happy for her." she said.

"I have to go now too," said Mercedes. She took Florencia briefly in her arms and nodded to the others.

"Mama ..." said Alvaro, but by then she was out the door.

Mia put her arm around Alvaro.

"She has to get used to it," said Florencia and put her hand briefly on Alvaro's shoulder.

Isabel and Ramiro wanted to go slowly too. They all hugged the kids once and wished Juanma a happy remaining birthday.

The four sat down with Marcello and Florencia. "It was a nice party," said Florencia.

"Thanks for everything," said Juanma. "I didn't really expect such a party. It was a great day.

Florencia looked again at the picture frame. "You have really seen a lot together," she said and smiled.

The four of them went up later and watched another movie. Mia snuggled into Alvaro's arms and rested her head on his chest. They had danced and laughed a lot and they were all exhausted but also a little exhilarated.

Alvaro stroked Mia's arm. It had been a really nice day. He had worries when he knew his mother would come too. Gaspar and Lupe seemed to have had a lot of fun too and he hoped that Lupe would continue to make positive changes.

He noticed that Mia had already fallen asleep. He smiled slightly, it was a nice feeling to have her in his arms and to feel her closeness and calm.

For Juanma the day was very nice, but also emotional. He was happy to have Zoe by his side and to be able to spend the day with her and the others. Zoe held his hand tightly. Soon they all came to rest and fell asleep.

Go live your way part 3Where stories live. Discover now