Ohne Titel Teil46

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The next morning they drove briefly to visit Dani and Toni at the diving school. Alvaro had written to Dani that they were there planning a sailing trip.

The two were very happy to see the four of them again and also greeted Ramiro and Isabel warmly, who introduced them to Gaspar and Lupe. Gaspar looked around and had one or two questions about the posted photos. Toni told him a few things and Dani asked "Do you want to take snorkelling things with you. Depending on where you are, you could see a lot of beautiful things. Or are you thawing off diving gear"

They refused the diving gear, but they gladly took the snorkeling gear. Dani discussed the route with Ramiro and warned of an announced storm.

When he and Alvaro got the snorkeling gear he said "So that was your sister?" Alvaro nodded. Dani grinned. "Did you grow up separate from each other?"

" No why?" "Because she seems the complete opposite of you." laughed Dani. They came back to the others. Ramiro agreed to call Dani over the radio if there were any problems. Then it started.

When they got on the boat, the lender explained a few things to Ramiro. After a moment Lupe came up and said "Papa there are only 3 rooms"

"Wait Lupe, I just have to listen here."

"But dad"

"Lupe....," Ramiro said in a slightly warning tone.

Gaspar had stood with Ramiro like the other boys and walked away a little with Lupe. " What is the problem?"

"There are only three rooms and there isn't really a living room here where anyone can sleep." said Lupe in an offended tone.

"Come on," he led Lupe downstairs, where Mia and Zoe were already moving things into the rooms. "I won't ..." began Lupe.

"You don't have to" interrupted Zoe. "Juanma and I go into a cabin with Alvaro and Mia, because that's how we always do it. Then you have your own cabin with Gaspar and Isabel and Ramiro too. There is enough space here."

Lupe looked offended and Gaspar said "You see, everything is okay."

He helped Lupe move her bags to the other cabin. Isabel looked out of her cabin and gave Gaspar a questioning look. He waved it off and shrugged.

When everything was clear with Ramiro, it started. The boat was big, with three booms and an engine. Everything was done very nicely and although it was 20 years old, you couldn't see its age. Ramiro started the engine and steered out of the harbor. They wanted to go out to sea and set sail there. He explained to the boys how to do it and what to look out for.

The girls were lying on deck in the sun with Isabel. Lupe had also leaned on it, but she had headphones in her ears and did not take part in the conversation.

After a while Isabel went into the galley to sort the supplies. Juanma had taken Zoe by the hand and sat at the bow with her. They looked out to sea.

"It's beautiful here. The sea is so calm here that I can see all of the rocks down there," said Zoe.

Juanma nodded. "Hopefully it's not the calm before the storm Dani said something about a storm."

gaspar noticed that Lupe kept hers eyes on the two of them. "Why are you looking at Zoe and Juanma" he asked.

"Just like that, I think they're a strange couple, they don't go together at all."

"I think they do. Zoe is very nice when you know her a little."

"You rush after her," Lupe asked in a slightly aggressive tone.

"No. We somehow didn't fit together. I like her, though. But Lupe, I'm not the one who stares at the two of them all the time." He got up with the words and went to Isabel in the galley.

"Everything ok upstairs" she asked.

Gaspar nodded. "I just sometimes have the feeling that Lupe would rather be here with everyone else than with me"

"Oh, I don't think so. She needs some time to get used to the others. Give her a little time and don't take it personally."

Ramiro called the boys and set sail. In the meantime they had got wind and Juanma and Alvaro were already helping him. The girls watched the boys and Zoe said "Sometimes I have the feeling that they were born in water. With them everything they do that has to do with water  seems  so easy." Mia laughed. "They just like that.

"Do we have something to drink here?" asked Lupe. " I'm thirsty.

"Yeah, down in the galley," said Zoe.

"There's no fridge up here," grumbled Lupe and made her way downstairs.

"Bring the boys something with you, too," Zoe called after her.

Of course Lupe didn't. When the boys sat down with the girls again, Gaspar went up to get drinks for everyone.

"Papa can we go into the water here" asked Alvaro.

"That's way too deep," said Zoe.

"It doesn't matter, we can swim," said Gaspar.

"I'm looking for a nice place, then we can try the snorkel, ok" asked Ramiro and the boys nodded enthusiastically.

Go live your way part 3Where stories live. Discover now