teil 50

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Alvaro caught Lupe up on deck. " What's wrong with you?" asked he.

"Why is Gaspar doing this?"
"We all do that all the time. We all run around in the water, we all have fun, he didn't mean it badly." Lupe looked at the floor. "I feel like I'm completely different from you."
"Well ... you are sometimes too. We just want to have fun, Lupe." "He's always with Mia."
"No, he's not. He's with all of us. And yes, Mia belongs there too. Don't make it so difficult for him. He seems to be really nice to you."

The others came back on board too. Mia was blown away by the encounter with the turtle. Gaspar came to Lupe and Alvaro. "hey everything ok?" asked he.
"I think so," said Alvaro and went to Mia. Zoe was completely frozen and Juanma took her in his arms. "You have to get warm again quickly." he said.

Isabel and Ramiro had gone into the cabin to change. The wind came up again and Ramiro set sail with the boys. it was fun to feel the force of the wind propelling the boat. Mia sat a little to one side and looked out at the sea. After a while, Alvaro came to her. "Is everything ok or why are you sitting here alone"
"Everything's fine. I'm enjoying the view of the water and the peace and quiet." she said and took him in her arms.

"Do you like it here" he asked. "Yes, I enjoy the sea and the peace and quiet. The one with the turtle was great. It was so big and at the same time so weightless in the water."

"Ramiro says, Dani said there was some kind of island around here. Maybe we can find it." They both looked out over the deep blue sea. The sun was nice and warm and not too warm due to the wind. Alvaro sat behind Mia so that she could lean against him. She put her head on his shoulder. "It's so fascinating to imagine that there are many creatures down there that we don't know, some that we know and  think they're great or are afraid of."
"The sea is beautiful. It looks mysterious to see the surface that hides so much". In the distance they saw a huge boat.
"is that a cruise ship?" asked Mia. "I can't see that. But if so, where do you think it's going?"
"On a beautiful island, with white sand, turquoise sea. When you are there on the beach dolphins come very close and you can stroke them. There is no hotel but a kind of tree house where you sleep in hammocks. For breakfast there is coconut milk."

Alvaro had put his arms around Mia and hugged her. "And only the two of us go ashore and spend time with the dolphins. We lie on the beach and enjoy the sun. Just you and me"
"I love you" said Mia and turned to around. "I love you too " She put her head back on his shoulder and took a deep breath. The wind played with her hair. Alvaro looked at the sky. It was deep blue and there wasn't a cloud to be seen. Ramiro shouted "I see land" The students looked. "Can we go there?" Asked Lupe. Ramiro looked at the map. "It should be a small town," he said. "We can buy some more supplies there tomorrow."
He headed for it. He had turned the engine on for the last few meters, and when they docked at the port, they made sure that the boat was secured. Then they disembarked. It was a lovely little port town. Ramiro invited everyone to a small café. He'd also seen where they could do some shopping the next day. The students explored the city. Gaspar wanted to join the others, but Lupe held him back. "Can't we go alone?" He took Lupe's hand "Juanma!" He shouted "We're going this way" Juanma had turned around and nodded.

Lupe smiled happily and pulled Gaspar in the other direction. There was a ruined castle in town. The boys wanted to go there with Mia and Zoe. When they got there, Mia imagined what the castle had looked like many years ago. How parties were celebrated there. The women in great clothes, the men in fine suits. She was so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't even gotten  that they wanted to take a photo of everyone . From one of the walls one had an indescribable view of the deep blue sea. Alvaro took Mia's hand. "Come on, you have to go on the foto," he said. Juanma had placed his cell phone on one of the walls and activated the self-timer. He quickly ran to the others and took Zoe in his arms. The photo turned out great and Zoe said, "I hope our children will become good friends like us." They walked through the old walls for a while and then returned to Ramiro and Isabel.
Lupe and Gaspar were gone through the older part of the small port town. There were many small shops and narrow streets. Lupe held his hand the whole time, he put his arm around her and said "We should go to the others again. Ramiro had said he wanted to go to the sea again for the night because it is quieter there than in the port." Lupe nodded and they arrived at Ramiro and Isabel's house almost at the same time as the others

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