Ohne Titel Teil51

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Ramiro suggested to go to a small fisherman's restaurant for dinner and then get back on the boat.

The students agreed. The restaurant was small and cozy, the food was varied and delicious.

When they were back on the boat, Ramiro started the engine and they drove out to sea, into the sunset.

Mia and Alvaro sat on deck and looked at the sun. "It's like when we were on Dani's boat." said Alvaro softly. He put his arm around Mia and Mia put her head on his shoulder. Juanma and Gaspar helped Ramiro set the sails again to take advantage of the wind.

When everything was ready and the boat glided smoothly over the waves, Ramiro sat down with the boys. Zoe and Isabel had occupied themselves with a newspaper they had found on the boat. Lupe came on deck after she'd changed her clothes for what felt like the tenth time. She went to Gaspar and said "Shall we sit over at the rail?"

"Uh, Ramiro had just suggested playing a card game and I wanted to ask Alvaro if he would be involved."

Lupe made a face. Gaspar tried to pull her onto his lap, but Lupe turned away and went back to her cabin. Gaspar took a short breath. "Leave her," said Ramiro. "She has to get used to the fact that she is not here alone with you."

Gaspar nodded. Alvaro was there at the card game and so the girls sat down. It was getting dark, so they couldn't play on deck for long. Mia had put a small oil lamp on the table, but it was too dark for card games. Juanma looked across the water. "Would you like to go into the water again" he asked the others. "Sure," said Alvaro. "Isn't it dangerous in the dark," asked Isabel. Ramiro thought for a moment. "Well, I also think that we shouldn't go swimming in the dark that far outside. Some animals hunt at night and we don't want to give them  any chances."

Juanma nodded. "You're right. The water looks black," Zoe shuddered briefly.

"Tomorrow morning  again for sure" said Ramiro and smiled at the boys.

They put the cards away and Ramiro went to the radio and radioed Dani. He had promised to report briefly once a day so that the boys there  knew that everything was ok.

"Hey Ramiro. A storm is coming. Even if you don't see it yet, I guess two days maybe three more. Keep an eye on the weather."

"I'll do Dani"

"If it's too windy, you have to haul in the sails."

"All right, thanks Dani."

Gaspar had meanwhile gone to Lupe. "Why are you down here" he asked.

"Because I don't feel like playing the stupid game and you apparently prefer doing everything rather than spending time with me."

"But we're not alone here. It's normal that we do something with the others from time to time."

"Do what you want," said Lupe. Gaspar wanted to take her hand, but she pulled it away.

Gaspar got up and left the cabin. On the way he met Juanma. "What's the matter?" He asked Gaspar. "Also the usual, she's angry again." He wanted to pass Juanma.

"Do you mind if I talk to her?" "No, do that," said Gaspar as he left.

For a moment Juanma stood indecisively in the corridor. He didn't want to talk to Lupe, he still had reason to be mad at her. But he didn't want to leave it to Alvaro either. He knew that Alvaro was suffering from this situation. He took a deep breath and knocked on Lupe's door.

"Leave me all alone" came from inside.

Juanma went in anyway. Lupe looked up. "I said you should leave me alone"

"But I won't. You never do that if someone asks you to," said Juanma softly. He sat down next to her on the bed, "Can you tell me why you can't just enjoy this great environment and this beautiful tour?"

"I thought I was spending the time with Gaspar while he was spending the time with you."

"But that's the nice thing about it. We are all together. Experience a lot of great things together."

"But ALvaro always manages to be with Mia."

"Gaspar tries that too. But you push him away. Lupe he won't run after you forever. You will lose him if you keep doing this. Stop acting like a diva."

"If you come to criticize me, then you can leave right away."

"No, Lupe. But Ramiro and ALvaro also need this timeout here. And when they keep thinking about why you're angry again now, none of us will enjoy it. Take it easy, concentrate on Gaspar and enjoy the time."

"Aren't you jealous of Gaspar?"

"Me? Why should I. I'm happy with Zoe. But Lupe, I'm happy for you that you're with Gaspar. Don't try to destroy it."

He squeezed her hand briefly and left the room again. Outside at the door he paused for a moment. Then he went on deck to join the others. Gaspar sat a little apart with Mia and Zoe, Alvaro took a closer look at the technology of the boat with Ramiro and Isabel sat on a deck chair and seemed to be enjoying the cool night air.

Go live your way part 3Where stories live. Discover now