Ohne Titel Teil109

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When Florencia came to Florencia's brother with Zoe and Juanma, Juanma's aunt opened the door. She smiled kindly and greeted everyone. To Zoe she said "I'm Ella, it's nice that you are here. Juanma, I haven't seen you since ..." she broke off. Juanma nodded. "Aunt Ella," he said and took her in his arms. Paco came down the stairs. "Well, if I haven't just heard the voice of my favorite nephew," he said with a smile and took Juanma in his arms.

"I'm your only nephew," Juanma said with a grin, while paco also hugged Florencia warmly. " And you're?" he said to Zoe.

"I'm Zoe, Juanma's girlfriend." Paco looked at Juanma and grinned. "Nice to meet you," he said to Zoe. "Coffee?" he asked the group. "Some water, please," said Juanma. "Can I go up to Grandma's?" Paco nodded. "Go ahead. I already told her you were coming."

JUanma was shocked when he opened the door to his grandma's room. She looked pale and fragile. But there was still a joyous glow in her eyes when she saw him. Juanma took her in his arms. "My boy," she said. "Nice to have you here" "This is Zoe" introduced Juanma.

"Hello Zoe, I'm Grandma Teresa." Zoe smiled friendly and was surprised when Teresa hugged her too.

"I'm sorry I haven't been there for so long, but the school...."

"Oh, that's not bad. I know that you young people have enough to do. Don't worry. I'm not running away."

Juanma looked at the floor. "I heard you sing now?" asked Juanma's grandma.

Juanma nodded. His grandma took his hand. "You are just as determined as your father," she said. " I'm so proud of you."

Zoe saw Juanma swallow. "Since your mama got along with Paco again, she's been here a lot again. It was important to me that the family is okay again before ..." she trailed off.

Juanma looked briefly at the floor and took a deep breath. Then he said "Grandma, you still have a lot of time."

Teresa looked out the window for a moment. The door opened and Paco looked in. "Ella has prepared something to eat. Are you coming down?" Zoe and Juanma nodded. Juanma looked at Paco and let his eyes wander to his grandma. "Mama would you like to try to come down with us, then can you eat with us?" asked Paco softly.

Teresa nodded. "If you help me I can do it for sure." She smiled slightly.

Paco and Juanma helped her down the stairs. She seemed happy that they could eat together.

Juanma saw that Teresa often looked between her two children. After a while she said "I'm glad you two made peace again."

Paco and Florencia looked at each other. Paco smiled and said "Sometimes I'm a stubborn donkey. I'm sorry"

Florencia took Paco's hand briefly. After lunch, you could tell that Juanma's grandma was tired.

Paco and Juanma took her back upstairs.

When she was in bed and Juanma wanted to leave, she held him briefly.

"Come back soon, yes? And bring your girlfriend back with you." She took him in her arms. He held  her hand a moment longer and then she fell asleep.

Juanma wiped his eyes briefly and quietly left the room.

Florencia was about to say goodbye to her brother and his wife.

They also took Juanma and Zoe tightly in their arms. "Nice to have seen you again," said Juanma's aunt. " Come back soon."

On the drive home everyone was a little quiet. Zoe had reached for Juanma's hand. JUanma squeezed it.

"Your family is nice," she said. "Juanma smiled." Yes, everything is fine now, "he said.

Florencia said "I haven't had contact with my brother for a long time. We had often an argument when my father died and then the death of Juan. I only went to see my mother when he was not at home. But now that my mother is not doing well, we have spoken out . "

Zoe nodded. "It's nice when families stick together," she said.

When they got home to Juanma, they sat down with the others in the garden. Florencia was excited about the idea of ​​grilling. She prepared a few little things and then later they set the table. They didn't want to eat too late so that it wasn't too cold outside.

"I had thought Isabel and Ramiro could come too, but Isabel wrote to me that Lupe and Gaspar are there today," said Florencia and looked at Alvaro with a smile. "You haven't told me anything about your weekend at your mother's either."

They told about Laura and Laura's parents, too, about the house and what Laura had said. Florencia said, "You have to be indulgent, even when it's difficult. A new beginning like this is not easy for everyone."

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