Ohne Titel Teil160

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Ramiro kept his promise. He asked Lupe and Alvaro if they would like to drive with  him to Mercedes in the afternoon. Alvaro had left MIa in Juanmas and Zoe's care, and Ramiro had spoken to Javier. Of course, Javier didn't want to take the children away from Mercedes. All he had said was  that he wouldn't watch the children suffer.

When they got to Mercedes. she looked very tired. She took Alvaro in her arms and said "I'm sorry, I just wanted you to be with me."

Alvaro was torn. he had seen his mother in many constitutions. He just felt sorry for her right now. Ramiro put glasses on the table and they all sat down.

Juanma suggested Mia and Zoe work on the GO - Choero. They were on their way to the GO rooms when Laura approached them.

"Do you have a minute?" She said to Juanma. Juanma looked at the girls, and then said "yes, ok"

He went to a bench with Laura and they sat down. When Juanma looked at her waiting, Laura said: "You wanted to know something from me ..." Juanma nodded. "

"I was born into a family that never had to worry about money. It wasn't a lie that we had employees. I was driven to miner's school by a chauffeur. It is the same with my boyfriend. My father is up the wrong people fell into place and suddenly ... we had nothing more. Maurice ... my friend, looked over it for a while. When we wanted to return to my mother's homeland ... namely here ... he became already different ... he promised me that nothing would change ... but since we are here everything has changed- my whole life is as if I were living someone else's life. My parents have no time here to me."

"But you still have your parents. And they are trying to build something for you all here. We never had to worry about money either. And today everything is fine too, but then my father died ..."

Laura put her hand on his for a moment. "You were very close to him, weren't you?"

"Juanma nodded briefly, but then said." Laura, this is not about me. If you want to stay here, you have to come to terms with the others. Maybe not all of them, but you should try to get along with the others. "

Laura nodded. "I'm going now. Mia and Zoe are waiting."

"But wait Laura. I know a little bit about you now. But something has to change." said Juanma.

"I need a little time. I have a talk with my parents and ramiro tomorrow."

"A tip? Tell me what concerns you. You can be open and honest with Ramiro. He understands many things."

"Thank you," said Laura.

Ramiro sat in the living room with Mercedes; Alvaro and Lupe sat down with them.

"Look Mercedes" came Ramiro straight to the point. "We grew apart. The reason is almost not that important. Isabel is definitely not the reason. But even if I am not the father of Alvaro and Lupe, I can tell you that I would like to continue to be there for them. She love me and they love you too. And of course Javier too. I don't want to take them away from you, but I don't want to lose them either. "

Mercedes looked at him. "I don't want to take it away from you. I just don't know what to do sometimes"

"Mama, you just have to take some things as they are. I can understand that you find it difficult with Mia and Isabel. But Lupe and I can't help it. We grew up with Ramiro. He belongs to us and is from our feelings here our father as well as Javier. "said Alvaro.

Mercedes nod. "I know and I'm sorry."

"I talked to Javier. He doesn't want to take the children away from you. He just has the impression that you are very unstable at the moment. And he doesn't want the children to suffer."

He put his hand on Mercedes' hand. She pulled them away. Ramiro nodded. He understood what she was feeling.

She looked at Lupe and Alvaro. "You go upstairs," Ramiro said to the two of them and smiled at them.

Alvaro took Lupe by the arm and took her up the stairs.

"Ramiro, I just miss you," said Mercedes when the children were within earshot. "I just need you. And you and Isabel ... I can't take it"

ramiro tried again. He put his hand on hers and this time she didn't pull her hand away.

"A lot has just changed, a lot has happened and that can't be undone. But if we keep a good relationship then I'll always be there for you"

Mercedes swallowed. "Thank you," she said.

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