Ohne Titel Teil142

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The next morning Mia had a moment before she had to go to class and she stopped by Ramiro's office. She wanted to thank him again especially for the nice vacation.

The door was open and she knocked anyway. Mercedes office door was closed and you could hear her voice through the door.

"Come in my darling," said Ramiro and smiled at Mia.

"I didn't mean to bother you," Mia said and walked over to him. "I just wanted to say thank you again for everything and also on behalf of the others. It was a great vacation."

Ramiro took her in his arms. "I was happy to do that. You are great company. Isabel enjoyed it a lot too," he said.

Mia's gaze fell on the desk where there was a student's file, with a picture of a boy who looked familiar to her, but who wasn't on St. Mary's.

"Who is that" she asked Ramiro.

"Uh, Mercedes would like to take this boy in, I should look at the file," said Ramiro and looked at Mia. Mia fixed the picture.

" Do you know him?" Ramiro asked after a moment. "What's his name" asked Mia the counter-question.

"Emilio Sanchez. He's your age. Was previously at the .." He took the file "at St. Pedro School."

"He was in my level in the parallel class," said Mia.

"do you know him well?"

"We had sport and bio together. He was often with us during the breaks. He was always nice, sometimes a little cheeky with the teachers."

Ramiro looked again at the file. "Well we will see. I have to take a look at it."

Mia looked at the clock. "I have to go to class." she said and took Ramiron in her arms again.

On the way to class, Mia had a lot of thoughts going through her head. Emilio was a handsome boy, always helpful too. As far as she knew he came from a good family. But he was also after the girls a lot and wanted something from her  for a while, too.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she did not notice that Juanma was standing in front of her and that she would soon have knocked him over. "Alvaro and Zoe are already in." He said," I was just about to go in, Alex is already there. "

She nodded, went in and stood next to Alvaro. "I was still with Ramiro," she said quickly when Aöex looked at her briefly. "

"I know Alvaro let me know." said Alex and smiled at Mia.

"Tell me something about the holidays, what did you do?"

A couple of the students said if they had been away and what they were doing.

"Ok, then we are all awake now, then I would say we do a group performance. I brought you music from my vacation and now divide you into groups. Each group please think of a performance and next week on Monday you will present it to me in front. "

When the students nodded, he said "Laura, you work with Nico, Luis, Lola, Clara, lupe and Silvia. Alvaro you work with Mia, Simon, Juanma, Zoe, Fede and Mara."

"I don't work with Lupe," said Laura and crossed her arms over her chest. "What have I done to you now," said Lupe and narrowed her eyes.

"You always want to be the best"

"Oh and you don't? You told from  your house, for example .."

Juanma put her hand over Lupe's mouth and said "Perhaps it is good to have the two who think they are the best in one group"

Lupe looked at him, but understood that Juanma didn't want Laura's secret to be shared in front of everyone.

Laura had gone very quiet when she understood what Lupe was about to say. She nodded and said "We can give it a try"

Lupe gave Laura a withering look and Juanma winked at her.

Alex looked around briefly.

"Well. I want you to work together fairly. If it doesn't work out, we'll speak again before Monday. You also have to learn to adapt. Later you don't always have the colleagues you want."

The lesson was over and Lupe rushed past Laura. "You solved that well," said Alvaro to Juanma.

"I just didn't want Laura with us" whispered Juanma Alvaro in his ear and Alvaro had to laugh.

He had to say goodbye to the others who now had  English. Laura apologized during the lesson and left the room.

Nor did she come back until the class was over.

They had a short break and left the school building. Laura sat on a bench and nodded to Juanma and the others. Juanma looked at her. "I'll ask her what's going on. We haven't had any contact since she left," he said to Zoe. Zoe rolled her eyes slightly, but gave him a kiss and said "OK".

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