Ohne Titel Teil186

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When they came to breakfast the next morning, the mood was a bit depressed. They went to the go and Alex let them practice the choreos.

Ramiro had called Jose, his friend at the police station. Paolo's car had been checked and showed signs of accident damage. The investigation continued, but he promised Ramiro to keep him informed.

When he hung up, his phone rang again. It was Florenica.

"Ramiro, I tried to reach you yesterday, I'm worried about Mercedes. She seems so deep in thought, she told me about your divorce request, which I can of course understand."

"I think she has to get used to that thought first," said Ramiro. "And that Laura keeps causing excitement doesn't make it any easier because her mother and Mercedes are good friends."

"No, you are probably right," said Florencia and then added, "We should keep an eye on her and inform each other if something comes to their attention."

Ramiro agreed and said goodbye to Florencia.

The students got through the day well. During the lunch break, Juanma and Alvaro were allowed to pick up Roberto. Clara's tests hadn't been approved, so hopes rose that she'd survived everything unscathed.

Ramiro had asked Jose to have Robertos car  take  to his workshop when the police had secured all traces and now it was there. The garage owner called Ramiro and told him the car could be repaired, but it would take a few days.

After class, Alvaro decided to distract Roberto a little and he drummed up some classmates to drive around town for ice cream.

There went  a few  from their friends with them  and they had a lot of fun. Emanuel sat down with Zoe, Mia, Alvaro, Roberto and Juanma and together he and Mia told stories from the old school.

When they got back to school, Ramiro intercepted them and had the relieving news that Clara had woken up. They would be allowed to visit her the next day. Roberto squezzed Ramiro  briefly and Ramiro laughed. He returned the hug and said, "I haven't stopped believing that everything will be fine."

JUanma went briefly into the room,in which  he was officially with fede  to get a few things, when he noticed that the box in which he kept his father's things was tipped out on the floor. Fede, who walked through the door shortly after him stopped dead in his tracks. "When we drove off, it was still in its place," he said quietly while helping Juanma to put the things back into the car. "The player's pass and the military badge are missing," said Juanma, looking at Fede. "Laura" both said as if from one mouth.

They ran to the others and told them what has happened. "But Laura is suspended," Mia said.

"Yes and, she has a room here, do you think anyone would be suspicious if she walks around here in the school. We were almost all gone," said Juanma, a little more harshly than he wanted. Alvaro gave him a warning look and put his hand on his shoulder. "Sorry, Mia" said Juanma and Mia smiled at him "It's okay."

"We're going there," said Zoe. "We're going to her home"

"No, we can't do that without Ramiro's approval," said Alvaro.

Juanma took a deep breath. He picked up his cell phone and walked away from the others. Then he called  Laura. She answered immediately. "I knew you were calling," she said

"That was not a clairvoyant feat," said Juanma acutely.

"I'm in the park. I want to talk to you. Come on, please."

Juanma swallowed a snappy comment and said "Ok, but I need a moment"

He told the others what Laura had said and made his way to the park. Zoe wanted to go with him, but he insisted on going alone.

Laura was waiting for him at the very beginning of the park. "Give me my things back," said Juanma instead of a greeting.

Laura nodded. "I want to apologize to you first. I ... I was angry because you poked me about the messages. I wrote the news to Mia. But I just wanted to annoy her a little."

"But why Mia?"

"Because she has everything." Juanma rolled his eyes at the words. Those were the words that Lupe had used earlier. Laura kept talking. "She has a super cute boyfriend, she is the star of Go and she always gets a special treatment as Ramiro's daughter. You and she have a record deal with Charlie Martin. Ramiro is not your father and yet you all are more of a family than anyone else . And what do I have? "

"But what do you get when you annoy Mia? Do you have more now? Maybe you should try to settle in at school, perform well and be happy so that your parents can focus on theirself and on the fact  to build something here for them and you? "

When Laura didn't say anything, he said, "You know Laura. When Mia met me, I was selfish and conceited. I was with Lupe and always tried to outdo Alvaro to become captain of the team. What I never saw was that I hurt my mother so much very shortly after my father died. She was worried, didn't understand me and had to concentrate far too much on my behavior than  to grieve. And on top of that, I didn't grant her a new relationship. "

Laura still looked at him in silence. "Laura, what I want to say, I think I was a worse person than you. But I also managed to change myself. Allowing feelings. I mourned my father, understood what my mother was going through. But I let my friends help me...after a time .You gotta let help you, too,  Laura. "

Laura's eyes had filled with tears. She tossed him the player pass and the military badge, turned and ran. "Laura wait" called Juanma after her.

"Don't you dare to follow me," cried Laura and ran again.

Go live your way part 3Where stories live. Discover now