Ohne Titel Teil103

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"Sorry I didn't know," Ilaria said, a little contrite.

"But Laura knew it and she also knew that Juanma didn't like the topic," said Zoe "you didn't have to ask again," she added to Laura. "After all, we don't say anything about your telling us ..... "

"We should end the subject now," Alvaro interrupted quickly. "I'm going to see after Juanma."

He got up and looked briefly at Zoe again. He found Juanma at the open front door. "Hey everything ok?" asked he. Juanma nodded. "I'll come with you again, I just had to leave for a moment."

Alvaro nodded. "All right, I think the subject is off the table now. Ilaria also said again that she didn't know."

Juanma took another deep breath and then closed the front door again. Both boys went back to the table.

Ilaria looked at Juanma apologetically. Juanma nodded. Laura looked at Alvaro. She knew he had saved her from what Zoe was going to say.

In the meantime, Mercedes had started telling Ilaria and Marcel how she and Ramiro had set up the school. They were so absorbed in the conversation that they hadn't noticed that Laura had already got up from the table. She had disappeared into her room. The others had sat in the living room and turned on a movie.

They were interrupted by Laura's parents wanting to go home. Mercedes went to the stairs and called Laura. She came almost immediately, Alvaro suspected that she had been sitting on the stairs. They all said goodbye to Laura's parents. Ilaria squeezed Juanma's hand especially tight and he smiled slightly at her.

When Ilaria and Marcel were gone, the students helped Mercedes clean everything up before Mercedes retired to her bedroom. Laura also immediately disappeared upstairs. The others sat down in the living room.

"Somehow the weekend doesn't really achieve its purpose of integrating Laura," Mia said, looking at the others.

"She keeps withdrawing herself, I don't run after her." said Lupe. "And then their constant story and lies, I can do without them.

"They must have had a really big house before," said Gaspar, who had picked up a few scraps of the conversation between Mercedes and Laura's parents.

"But she pretends to be something better than all of us and lives in a shack."

Nobody knew that Laura was actually sitting at the top of the stairs.

As the students went upstairs and said goodbye for the night, they heard Laura's door close.

Juanma looked at the others. "I think she overheard," he said softly.

"Well, she can hear what we think of her," said Lupe and Zoe nodded.

Gaspar and Lupe retired to Lupe's room. Juanma and Zoe went with them to Alvaro and Mia.

"Why did you hold me back when I wanted to tell about all the lies," Zoe said quietly to Alvaro.

"Because I think we should know a little more first. To expose her to her parents is not very comradely."

"Telling Lies  either," said Zoe.

"We don't know yet what's the matter with her," said Juanma. "We shouldn't do anything rash."

The others nodded. "Ok. Let's see more in peace."

Juanma and Zoe also said goodbye for the night.

"I'm sorry she brought the subject up again," Zoe said to Juanma.

"It's okay," he said. "Laura's mother didn't know. But the way it was talked about hurt a little."

Zoe took him in her arms. Juanma returned the hug. "I'm ok," he said. "I just don't like the topic. And my grandma is not doing well either. I haven't seen her in a long time and have a guilty conscience for not having taken care of her."

Zoe took his hand. "Even if I can understand that, I think she knows that you still love her."

Juanma nodded. "She lives with my uncle. And my mother and my uncle ..... well they don't have the best relationship."

"I can't imagine anyone not getting along with your mom," said Zoe.

"Well, whatever. Please don't tell the others that first. We'll see that we find out what's going on with Laura."

Zoe nodded. She snuggled up against him. "Juanma .... one more thing ... if you want to visit your grandma and want me to come with you. Then I'm ok with that."

"Thanks, that means a lot to me," he gave her a little squeeze. "I'm glad to have you," he said.

Zoe closed her eyes. Juanma stroked her arms. He looked back over the past few months. Sometimes he couldn't believe his luck to have such a dear girlfriend and such good friends.

He too was pretty tired from the day. It was probably one of the last warm days. Towards evening it was already quite a bit cooler. The winter vacation was approaching and he was really looking forward to it.

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