Ohne Titel Teil144

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When Juanma was at the locker the next morning, Laura was standing behind him. "We have a free period and Lupe has scheduled training for the GO," she said.

"Ok, but I'm not in your group. And it would be unfair to watch, then afterwards it is said that we stole ideas."

Laura nodded. " I have to go."

Juanma watched her go. Alvaro had no free period. So he looked for Mia and Zoe. "Bio fails, we could walk a bit through the park"

The girls were there immediately. They left their things in the locker and wanted to go to the courtyard.

"Mia, are you waiting?" they heard Ramiro's voice behind them.

Mia turned around. Ramiro came up to them.

"I've decided to take Emilio in. He's coming tomorrow." He turned to the others and said "I think you already know." Juanma and Zoe nodded.

"It would be great if you showed him everything first. Keep me updated on how things are going with him." Mia nodded and said "Let's do papa."

When they were in the park, Juanma said, "Does that bother you? About Emilio?"

"A little. He's after every girl."

"Then Alvaro and I have to take care of you both" laughed Juanma. "And maybe he has changed"

Mia shot him a doubtful look.

The air in the park was good in the morning and awakened the spirits.

When they got back to school they were awake and ready for class. Or what you mean by that.

In the afternoon, her group had reserved the go rooms to practice the performance. They made good progress, especially Mia and Zoe were driving forces and brought in very good ideas. They made rapid progress.

The next morning, Ramiro came to class with Emilio. "Good morning everyone," he said cheerfully. "I'll introduce you Emilio. He will be going to your class from today. I hope you will take him on nicely and help him get used to all."

Emilio let his gaze wander over the class and caught Mia's gaze. He winked at her. Mia smiled at him.

He sat down next to Laura, who was still sitting alone in the back. Laura slipped away from him a little

During the day he was asked how far he was in his school. He had his notebooks with him and handed them in to match the subject. He looked very organized.

After the lesson, the youngsters had another training session. Emanuel greeted Mia as they left the classroom. He took her in his arms.

"Hey Mia, I didn't know you were here. Nice to see you again"

"I've been here for a little over a year. It's a very nice school, I think you will feel comfortable here."

Emilio smiled at her and put his arm around her shoulder. Mia turned out of the embrace and said "These are my best friends Zoe and Juanma, the two are together and there" she pointed down the aisle, "my boyfriend Alvaro is coming".

Emilio smiled and looked at Juanma and Zoe "Who of you is Zoe, who is Juanma" he said with a laugh and patted Juanma on the shoulder. Zoe and Juanma laughed too and then Alvaro was with them too, who shook his hand in a friendly manner.

"We have to go to basketball," Alvaro said to Juanma. "Basketball" said Emilio. "Can I watch that?"

"Sure," said Juanma. "put your things in the locker and come with me."

" I do not have one yet."

"Ok, then pack it in with my things in mine, we'll do it later."

"I don't have a room either."

"We can do that later, your things are definitely with Gloria, right?"

Emilio nodded.

The boys stowed their things in the locker and went to the gym with Emlio. Zoe and Mia stood in the corridor, a bit hesitant.

after a moment they followed them. On the way they heard Laura and Lupe fighting  loudly while coming out of the go. Mia and Zoe went up to the two of them.

"No matter what I say, you always want to get your head around," Laura was saying.

"The whole Choereo is as you wanted it to be, if I bring something in now, everything is not right."

"Hey you two," Mia called. "Alex wanted us to work together."

"Do that with her," said Lupe. " You can forget that."

She turned and disappeared into the school. Laura was already walking in the other direction.

Zoe shrugged and looked at Mia. "Seems to be a great teamwork," she said and Mia had to laugh.

They ran to the gym and watched the boys train. Marcello went to Emilio "Can you play too?"

"I've never played basketball. So only in physical education at school. Not comparable to this one," he said and smiled at the group.

Juanma thought to herself that Emilio wasn't that unsympathetic.

"What are you doing now?" Asked Emilio when Marcello declared the training to be over.

"I would say we will take care of your locker and your room now. Otherwise Gloria will be gone in a minute," said Alvaro and Juanma nodded. They ran to the secretariat together. Gloria had already prepared everything and Emilio was in the same room with Nico.

"I think I saw him in class, didn't I?"

Juanma nodded. "He's funny, you will see that"

Go live your way part 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora