Ohne Titel Teil108

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Laura was at class the next morning, after class she was picked up by her father. Marcel saw the others standing in the school yard and waved friendly. Laura quickly got into the car.

Alvaro, Juanma and the girls were ready to start too. Lupe had said goodbye to them, she was waiting for Gaspar and told Alvaro that she had been invited to Ramiro's on Saturday. Alvaro was happy for her.

When they got to Florencia, Mia noticed that she looked tired. Nevertheless, she was very happy about the four. When they sat down together, she said that her mother was not doing very well. In view of the fact that she is also no longer the youngest, everything can be expected.

Juanma reached across the table for her hand. "How's it going with Uncle Paco?"

"It's ok," said Florencia. "We talked about it. Grandma has it very well with him too. He really takes great care of her."

Juanma nodded. "Do you think I can visit her?"

"Definitely. We'll call Paco later, okay?"

"Ok" said Juanma.

When Marcello came they set the table together and sat down to eat. It was a fine evening and it seemed to be good for Florencia to have a little distraction. After dinner she phoned her brother and arranged with him that Juanma would come over with her the next day.

When they were all in Juanma's room, Zoe said, "If you want and it's okay for your uncle, I can come with you."

"Yes, gladly. We'll ask him tomorrow," said Juanma. He was a bit nervous, he hadn't seen his uncle and aunt in a while.

The next morning Florencia started with Zoe and Juanma after breakfast. Alvaro and Mia cleaned up the kitchen, Marcello had a few things to do in the garden. When everything in the kitchen was ready, Alvaro said "Shall we take a short tour  through the settlement" Mia nodded enthusiastically. They strolled hand in hand to the end of the settlement into a wooded area. They had already been here in the summer. "It's nice that it's so quiet here," said Mia. You could only hear the birds and sometimes rustling in the leaves. Alvaro led her to a fallen log and sat down. "That is a good contrast to the hustle and bustle at school," he said. "I'll be happy when we have another vacation."

"Me too," Mia said and smiled. "I'm looking forward to the fireplace," she said with a grin.

"A nice crackling fire with a warm cocoa or tea." Said Alvaro and took Mia in his arms.

"I like the summer and the sea is just really great. But the mountains with snow and maybe a sunset over the peaks or a drifting snow that has something special too," said Mia.

She was looking forward to spending time with Ramiro and Isabel and the others. The mood while sailing was very relaxed and cozy. More or less, they had all got along very well.

They heard a rustling behind them and Mia saw a little mouse that seemed to be looking for its winter supply. She was sitting on a stick with a berry in her paws. Mia had the impression that she was watching her. Suddenly she was gone. Mia had to laugh.

Alvaro looked at her. Those were always the moments when Alvaro particularly noticed how deep his feelings for Mia were. Her eyes lit up, she laughed and she radiated so much happiness and life. He took her in his arms. "It's so nice to see you laugh," he said.

"I'm always happy with you," Mia said and hugged him back. She felt the warmth that emanated from him.

"Sometimes I can hardly wait until we are ready and stand on our own two feet. Just you and me. Then again I think, as carefree as it is at the moment, it won't be anymore. Both have their advantages and disadvantages," said Alvaro.

Mia got up. "Let's walk a little longer."

"I don't know my way around here," said ALvaro. "We should lay out breadcrumbs so we can find our way back."

Mia laughed. "Then the mouse will definitely have enough to eat in winter"

They walked a little further along the path and then went back. The air was now cool and it was a bit windy. Nevertheless, they still enjoyed the weather a bit.

Zoe and Juanma weren't back when they got back. Marcello cleared away a few things in the garden that didn't need to be outside in winter and Alvaro helped him.

Mia cleared away a few things in Juanma's room that they had left lying around in the morning, then went to Alvaro and Marcello to help a little.

Marcello had decided to prepare one last barbecue for the summer before the barbecue also had to go into the cellar for the winter. Alvaro and Mia went shopping for a few more things for dinner. The looked forward to a nice evening

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