teil 61

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The night was very stormy. The boat sways in the waves and the boys noticed that the girls were scared of the wind and the waves. When they finally fell asleep Alvaro heard Ramiro get up and goind  upstairs. Carefully he pulled his arm out from under Mia and also got up. "Are you going to look" Juanma asked softly "Yes if Ramiro needs help"
"Wait," said Juanma and carefully climbed over Zoe. Ramiro checked that everything was okay and when the boys arrived upstairs, he just checked that everything was tightened. Alvaro looked out over the sea. "It seems to be calming down," Ramiro said, clapping Alvaro on the shoulder. "Let's go back down, otherwise we'll be wet to the skin." Everyone drank another sip of water in the kitchen, then the boys went back to their cabin.
Mia woke up and held out her hand to Alvaro. She pulled him onto the bed and snuggled up against him again. Juanma watched her and had to grin. "The weather is calming down," said Alvaro
"It's a shame it's all over tomorrow," Mia mumbled sleepily. "That the weather or the trip," whispered Juanma. "The trip. It was something very special. But also the weather, the sky had something magical today."
"Well, I just found it gray and the weather wet," said Zoe. "Why are you all awake at all?" She asked, resting her head on her hands. "Ramiro went upstairs to see if everything was ok. We wanted to see if he needed help" said Juanma and stroked Zoe's hair. She snuggled into his arms again and Juanma pulled her close. She felt warm because he had cooled down a bit "The boat rocks less," said Zoe.
"Maybe we can get back in the water tomorrow for a swim," said Juanma. He looked at Alvaro and Mia but they both seemed to have fallen asleep. He lay down again, took Zoe's hand and after a short time he was asleep,too.
The next morning the bad weather front had moved on. Unfortunately in the direction they had to go. "Can we swim again before we start?" Asked Alvaro. Ramiro looked at Isabel and then nodded. "I'll get everything ready and then I'll get you out again," he said with a smile. Gaspar, Alvaro and Juanma were already on their way to the ladder. The girls thought for a moment and Lupe said "I think it's too cold today, I'll stay in the sun" Mia and Zoe both went into the water with the boys. Juanma stayed close to Zoe while Gaspar tried to get past Alvaro to pull  Mia under the water. Everyone laughed and romped around. When Ramiro had finished everything, they came out of the water. Gaspar let drops of cold water drip from his hair onto Lupe's body and she jumped up. "can't we go the other way, we're going straight into the rain again," said Zoe .Ramiro laughed. "Unfortunately no we have to go home" They enjoyed once more how the wind blew through their hair. Mia looked out to sea. How many secrets there were under the blue waves she asked herself. Alvaro took her from behind in his arms, Mia took his hand and leaned against him. The sky turned gray again and Zoe was right they drove straight into the bad weather. Ramiro and the boys hauled in the sails and switched on the engine.
They were near their home coast. "Something happened there in front of us," shouted Alvaro. "There's the coast guard."
Ramiro followed Alvaro's fingers with his eyes. "There is Dani's boat too," shouted Juanma. Ramiro radioed Dani.
Toni answered. "A small plane crashed here. They lost control im the storm."
"Do you need support?" asked Ramiro. "Come closer," said Toni. Ramiro headed for Toni's boat and tied the boats together. "Did Dani dive down" asked Alvaro
"Yes, there are four divers down with him." Ramiro saw a few parts of the airplane in the water. "There's a dog in the water," Mia shouted. In fact, a small mongrel dog swam between a few pieces from the plane. Juanma took off his shirt and jumped into the water before anyone could protest. "He isn't bringing really the dog here, right," said Lupe.
"I'll help him," said Alvaro and jumped into the water as well. Toni grinned at Ramiro. "Typical," he said.
Juanma had reached the dog and held it tight. Already it didn't have much strength left and so didn't fight Juanma's grip. Juanma and Alvaro swam back to the boat together, where Gaspar was waiting on the lower rung of the ladder to be able to take the dog from them. The girls stood at the rail. When everyone was back upstairs, Gaspar had put the dog on one of the deck chairs and Mia brought a towel to rub it dry. Isabel had fetched a bowl of water. The dog shivered and looked at everyone with wide eyes. Toni watched the surface of the water. "He must have been thrown from the plane." He said, "is he ok?" Ramiro nodded "scared but ok" he said.
A diver came up and swam to the coast guard boat. Toni heard over the radio that it was a small private plane. They could see two people and were trying to free them. The plane was about to fill up, so it was important to hurry.

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