Teil 146

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Alex had given them an extra week to rehearse the choreography because Emanuel had come and the students had to take care of him too. Even if Emanuel wasn't in the GO, Alex had seen that Alvaro and Juanma were busy with him and he knew that they weren't there at the weekend.

Alvaro, Juanma and the girls prepared everything for the weekend on Thursday afternoon. They had Toni put together a basket for Dani with a few goodies. It would have been bad to transport the things on the plane, so Toni had taken care of everything.
Alvaro then drove to the hospital with Juanma because he wanted to visit his grandma. She was very happy about it and happily told that she was allowed to go home the next day. Juanma was relieved. She was given an emergency oxygen device to take home.

When everything was ready and Juanma and Alvaro were back, they met Gaspar in the ice cream parlor, Lupe was of course with them, along with Fede and Sofi, Emanuel, Simon and Martina and Tobi. They were all happy to see Martina again and Emanuel recognized Gaspar too. They had a lovely afternoon. Lupe and Gaspar would spend the weekend at Gaspar's home, Gaspar had an appearance on Saturday and Lupe wanted to accompany him.

Mia was very happy that Emanuel seemed to get along well with Simon and Fede. Although he had looked at her several times and looked otfers at Zoe, she thought nothing of it. She had also seen that Silvia seemed to find Emanuel very nice, because she had swapped places with Agostina and was sitting closer to him. They  said early goodbye to Gaspar late because they wanted to play basketball.
Emanuel sat down next to Mia in the gym. "You seem really comfortable here," he stated.
"Yes, now a lot. In the beginning it took a lot of getting used to all, but now"
"Are you with Alvaro for a long time?"
"Yeah, quite a while. Somehow we got along very well from day one." "You know that I always liked you very much ..." said Emanuel and looked Mia in the eyes "You liked every girl," Mia said with a grin. "You especially." "That can be, but I have Alvaro. It would be nice if we can be friends." Emanuel nodded. Juanma and Alvaro came to have a drink.
"Do you want to play again?" Asked Juanma.
"Not today, I'm somehow tired. I'll go to sleep now
," said Emanuel and got up. Alvaro looked after him in amazement. "That was abrupt now," he said and looked at Mia. Mia shrugged her shoulders. The boys played for a while and then decided to go to sleep. Mia said to Zoe and Juanma "Go upstairs, I still need some cool air after the stuffy hall" Alvaro looked at her a little puzzled, but then nodded. When they were alone, Mia said, "Emanuel said he always liked me special. I told him we were both together, but he and I can be friends. I think that's why he left so quickly." Alvaro nodded. "I thought so," he said and put his arm around Mia. "I can understand it too, you are the prettiest girl here at school"
"Don't overdo it," Mia said and laughed. "He already wanted something from me im the old school."
"It's not forbidden," laughed Alvaro too. "As long as he doesn't overdo it" "No, I hope he won't," said Mia

The next day Alvaro got his exam back and was amazed at the good result because he hadn't studied. During the break, Emanuel came back to them. "You are gone for the weekend, Nico told me," he asked.
Alvaro nodded. He said briefly that they were invited to a birthday and who Toni and Dani were. "You are away quite often. It's great when you have the headmaster as your dad," Emanuel said with a laugh. He looked back at Mia and winked at her. Briefly he raised his hand to stroke her arm, but then thought better of it. "Why did you change schools" Alvaro asked him.
"You have a very good science program here and with my graduation here I have more chances at my dream university. You're going after this year, aren't you?" Alvaro nodded. "I'm going to apply for medicine I think," said Alvaro.
"All due respect," said Emanuel. The gong rang and they had to go back to class
After school, Ramiro was already waiting for the four. Lupe, Roberto and Clara accompanied them to the car. Lupe wanted to wait for Gaspar. They only had one bag to check in for the two days together. Ramiro brought them to the  check in and then they started. They were happy when they took their seats on the plane. The guys always liked the start. Mia took Alvaro's hand. The flight wasn't long and very soon they had to buckle up again.

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