Ohne Titel Teil92

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The bathroom was also empty. They looked around again, but all of Laura's things seemed to be there. When they came to the boys and told them what they found, Alvaro said, "It's almost dark now. We should tell Ramiro. If she has permission, he will be able to tell us."

"If not, she's going to get in trouble. It's the second time," Mia said.

In the meantime, Juanma tried to call Laura again. After the second time, she accepted the call. " Where are you?" he asked straight away.

"I'm in town," said Laura.

"School will be closed soon, you are lucky that only we noticed that you weren't there. What are you doing in town."

"I ... I'll be right there ... I met someone from our neighborhood".

"When?" said Juanma.

"I'm on the bus," said Laura.

When Juanma had hung up he said "I'll wait for her at the door. I tell Mauro one of us is at the car, okay? When we all stand there, he notices."

Even if Zoe looked a little skeptical, everyone agreed. Laura seemed to have the most trust in Juanma for some reason.

Juanma didn't have to wait long. Laura came around the corner. "You're lucky Mauro hasn't been here yet." he said. Laura looked at him. "Thank you," she said.

Juanma noticed that she was pale. "Laura, what's the matter with you Ramiro told you that you can't just go. And you definitely are allowed to be be back here so late. Do you want to get into trouble or get out of school? Do you think it's so bad here? "

"My neighbor gave me a few things." She held up a bag. "We messed up and the time was up so quickly," she said.

"But you didn't have permission from Ramiro, otherwise he would have noticed that you weren't back." said Juanma and looked at Laura.

Laura looked at the floor. "I ... that was short-term ... I forgot about it," she said.

Juanma looked at Laura for a moment. "Mia brought you something to eat upstairs. I hope it's still there." He wanted to turn around and leave.

"Juanma?" Juanma turned around.


"Thank you".

Juanma nodded.

The next day there was no sign of Laura's insecurity anymore. She messed with the Lupe, who asked her why she hadn't been there for dinner. "That's none of your business. I don't have to eat here," Laura was saying when the four of them walked into the cafeteria.

Laura left the cafeteria. In the Go, Lupe should dance a choreo with Agos. Laura said, "You've had second class ballet training if you can't do the turn properly." She meant Agos, but Lupe felt addressed. "First show you what you can really do, the only thing that attracts attention is your insolence and absence," replied Lupe.

When Laura wanted to reply something, Alex intervened. "At the beginning I said something about working with each other and not against each other. I can always exclude someone from the workshop if that doesn't work. Laura, you get your chance now. I want to see you with Agos Lupe and Clara as the four swans from Swan Lake. You all know that, right? "

The girls nodded. The others sat down. Alex started the music and when the girls were in position, Alex started the music from the beginning again. The girls held hands. Mia admired classical dance. She had no ballet training.

Lupe and Laura were next to each other, and the group harmonized quite well. Clara was the petite of the four and her movements were the most fluid. Shortly before the end of the dance, Laura suddenly fell down. She immediately yells "Lupe pushed me." "I haven't," said Lupe and put her hands on her sides. Alex had stopped the music. "Lupe made normal movements," said Agos, who had been on Lupe's other side." She didn't push her"

"Did you hurt yourself Laura?" asked Alex and helped her up." My foot hurts, but everything else is ok. "

" Sit down first, "said Alex and gave Lupe a questioning look. Lupe shrugged her shoulders and shook her head." She suddenly fell, "said Lupe, I had nothing to do with it." When Laura was about to say something, Alex said "Ok, the important thing is that nothing bad happened. Show me your foot." He felt Laura's foot and moved it. "Try cooling and if it doesn't get better a doctor should look at it. But it is definitely not broken." he said,

He turned to everyone "We are through for today. I wish you a nice afternoon and you get well soon," he said to Laura.

Juanma and Alvaro took their things away. They had arranged to meet Roberto and the girls to eat ice cream.

Lupe approached Alvaro before he was out the door. "I honestly didn't push Laura. I concentrated completely on the steps, I didn't hurt her." Alvaro looked at her. He believed her. He took her briefly in his arms and said "It's okay. If you call Gaspar, maybe he'll come to the ice cream parlor and we take you with us?" Lupe smiled and nodded.

Go live your way part 3Where stories live. Discover now