Ohne Titel Teil13

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When the two returned to the others, they were all ready to crawl into the tents. "We'll be up early," said Travis, "so we should try to get some sleep."

The tents were small, but perfectly adequate for two people. Mia snuggled close to Alvaro. It was almost completely quiet around her, she could still hear Juanma and Zoe talking softly, but then quickly fell asleep in Alvaro's arms.

Travis was awake before everyone. He was somewhat concerned that there were more clouds in the sky than expected. He prepared something to drink and something to eat for everyone.

When everyone was ready they started. In a row they rode along paths, some of which were narrow. "If we ride down with the herd then we take a different route." Ruby told them.

When they were over a hill one more time, they saw them. There was a large herd of cattle, and Mia immediately saw that there were some calves among them. For a moment they let the sight sink in.

"We are doing this now like this , Ruby and I ride back to the end of the herd. We drive them towards you too. Please stay on each side so that they pass you but do not go too far apart. Actually, they stay together, but  everyone just has to keep an eye out that none of them get lost anywhere. " explained Travis.

"Please always stay in pairs so that if one of you gets into trouble, nobody is alone. We have a camp for the night near where we camped that night.

Alvaro said "Ok, then I would say Clara and Roberto, you stay here. Juanma and Zoe you go on the left and Mia and I on the right." He looked briefly at Travis, who nodded and Juanma said, "Even with the cattle drive, always the captain." They laughed

"Wouldn't it be better if Ruby stayed here with us and one of us went with Travis," Clara asked quietly. "Would you prefer that?" asked Travis.

Clara shrugged her shoulders. Roberto said "Ok, I'll go with Travis." He caught Clara's gaze, which Ruby had seen too. "Mia you like to go  with Travis? I think Clara feels safer with Roberto, I'll stay with Alvaro and we'll stay a little further up here. Is that okay for everyone?" asked Ruby.

Mia nodded. She directed Pegasus towards Travis. The horses knew the procedure. Alvaro gave her an air kiss and then she rode up to Travis. "We don't need to do much. We ride behind the herd and then towards Ruby and the others. They will automatically run in front of us. Don't worry," Mia smiled at him.

Travis and Mia set off. The others waited. Ruby told Alvaro a little bit about the cattle. They didn't all belong to them, but she and Travis mostly did the downforce. After a long time, some animals gradually came towards the others from behind and the animals began to move one after the other like a domino chain. Ruby and Alvaro were on the right side of the animals, Roberto and Clara were a long way to the right and Juanma and Zoe looked to the left that no animal got out of line. Ruby indicated that they could wait a bit for Travis and Mia. They watched the animals make their way down. They rode alongside and behind the herd for a long time. After a a few hours they came to a place where they wanted to pitch their tents. "Let's do it quickly, it's gonna rain soon." said Travis. They began to prepare the camp, the cattle had gathered in the meadow and made no move to go any further. "They know that, normally, everyone should still be there tomorrow," said Ruby. They  were in a rocky area. Travis and Alvaro started to light a fire in a quieter corner while Roberto and Juanma set up the tents with the girls. Suddenly Mias and Alvaro's tent was blown away before Roberto could properly fasten it. Mia ran after and tried to grasp the fabric but overlooked a ledge and fell over the edge. Juanma tried to get hold of her , but missed her.

The others ran to the ledge. Mia had fallen a few feet and didn't move. Alvaro started to climb down, but Travis held him tight. "Wait, otherwise you're next." He got one of the horses. Then he tied one of the lasso ropes to the saddle and let the rope down the rock face, the others kept calling Mia's name. "I'm going," said Travis. He squeezed Alvaro's hand briefly and nodded to Ruby, who was holding the horse. The rope held and he climbed down. He checked Mia's breathing and checked her pulse. "She's alive," he called upstairs whereupon the others took a deep breath. Travis looked closely at Mia. "Don't move her if she has a back injury," Alvaro shouted. Travis felt her arms and legs. Mia's eyelids fluttered.

"Hey Mia. Everything ok" he asked softly.

She opened her eyes." What happened "

" You fell. Can you move? "Mia moved her hands and arms carefully, then her legs and she turned her head." I think it's all ok, "she said.

" Then try to get up slowly, "Travis said.

" Slowly, "Alvaro called who almost crushed Zoe's hand at the top. Juanma had put his hand on his shoulder. "All right, she's talking to him."

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