Ohne Titel Teil10

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Lupe and Mia wanted to practice in the afternoon. They had agreed to meet after the group of boys in the Go. When the boys were through, Alvaro and Juanma stayed with Lupe and Mia there.

They went through the song once. "Mia you have to raise your voice here. And you had to sing more slowly" said Lupe. Juanma and Alvaro looked at each other and Alvaro rolled his eyes. They started again. In the middle of it, Lupe turned off the music. "It doesn't work that way. It worked out much better with Alex this morning," said Lupe and looked at the boys. "Well I couldn't hear any difference," said Alvaro.

They went through it again. This time Lupe seemed satisfied. After one more try, she even smiled. "Ok tomorrow at the same time" Mia asked and Lupe nodded.

The time until Saturday for the boys' appearance passed quickly. Mia and Zoe were in the auditorium with Roberto and Clara. The other groups were good and Mia let Alvaro know when it was the turn of the last group. Then she and Zoe went backstage to wish the boys luck. The last group passed them and Mia saw that Nico was looking after a girl.

"Hey buddy no distraction, it's our turn" said Fede and nudged Nico. Nico grinned. Then they had to go on stage. The song got off to a great start, but Nico missed his beginning. "Shit," Zoe said to Mia, "that deducts points." The rest of the performance went very well and the audience was still enthusiastic.

"I don't want to know what's going on in the locker room now," Mia said to Zoe. "I'm going to have a look," said Roberto and set off.

The boys were about to change. Fede discussed with Nico how this could happen. Luis didn't say anything and Alvaro finally said "Guys, we've all been distracted sometimes before and we can't change it. He's already blaming himself enough"

"Yes, but because of such a girl"

"It wasn't because of her, I had something in my Eye "insisted Nico.

"Yes, yes, that's clear," said Fede. "Mia wrote that we are about to go to the points award. We should get ready," said Alvaro. Roberto clapped Juanma and Alvaro and said, "We'll keep our fingers crossed, guys."

After explaining the points, the moderator asked the usual question of which points to start with and, as always, the audience wanted the best group first. "Ok then let's start. The jury has the highest score with 10 points ... yes you heard correctly 10 points for the mixed group of the Santago Martineeeeeezzzzz School!!! Then we have nine points for the very good performance of St.Marrrrryyyyyysssss, despite the little mistake. "He smiled at the boys, who were still happy.

They were still at the top of the overall standings,  and so there was a reason to celebrate in their locker room.

When they arrived at the school, Fede asked Nico "do you at least have her number?" Nico grinned and held up his cell phone with a chat open. "So her name is Nina," laughed Fede.

Juanma and Alvaro let the others celebrate and went to their girls. The four of them drove to the river. "We're not used to so much restlessness anymore" said Zoe with a theatrical undertone. "Because we were now four days on a ranch in the pampas?" Asked Juanma laughing. "Oh, the quiet there was great," said Zoe.

"Speaking of the ranch. Alberto called Ramiro and asked if we would like to fetch the cattle from the pastures with Travis and Ruby. They have to get out of there before it gets cold and he thought we would like a little Adventure." said Alvaro.

"I'm with you," said Juanma. Zoe and Mia looked at each other. "Me too," Mia said. "I want to see the stars again," she smiled at Alvaro. "Well then we ask Roberto and Clara and then Ramiro can let Alberto know that we will be there."

"When is that then?" Asked Zoe.

"So next weekend, the weekend before Lupe and Mia are in the competition," said Alvaro. He had immediately thought that it would be good for Mia to be away for the weekend.

Alvaro had written to Roberto and almost immediately got the answer that Clara needed a little bit of persuasion, but that they were there. He informed Alvaro.

"It's bailed out, then we'll be away from here again next weekend," said Alvaro with a smile.

"What do we do tomorrow" asked Zoe

"Tomorrow I'll kidnap Mia," said Alvaro.

Mia looked puzzled and Zoe said: "What are you going to do?

"That's my secret," said Alvaro with a mischievous grin.

They enjoyed the sun by the water for the rest of the afternoon and they were back at school for dinner

When they were later in Go with Clara and Roberto, Mia went through the song again with Juanma. Everyone agreed that Mia and Juanma harmonize better together. Mia was getting more and more secure. "Are you afraid to sing with Lupe?" asked Juanma

"That depends on her mood, it was ok a few times, but sometimes she makes me angry and nervous. But we have two weeks left." answered Mia.

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