Ohne Titel Teil96

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Juanma clapped Gaspar's hand off and took Mia in his arms when they were in the private room. Mia hugged both. "That was a cool idea, "Mia said. Lupe was beaming." Thanks for letting me do that, "she said to everyone."
We didn't know anything, "laughed Juanma." But always a pleasure. " They mingled with the crowd at the disco and were congratulated by their classmates. Juanma went to the bar to get drinks and suddenly Laura was standing next to him. "You were great," she said against the loud music in his ear.
"It wasn't just me," said Juanma, "we all were. "
"Yes, I know. It was a great performance." Meanwhile, a girl had appeared next to her. "This is Rosa" introduced Laura to the girl.
" The neighbor?" said Juanma " Rosa nodded and smiled at him.
"I have to go back over to the others," said Juanma. "Come with me:"
"No thanks," said Laura. "We have to go right away too"
Juanma nodded. "All right, see you Monday. Bye, Rosa," he turned and disappeared into the crowd. Mia was on the dance floor with Gaspar. Roberto was able to put weight on his foot again and took full advantage of it. They all enjoyed the carefree evening for a while. Ramiro and Isabel were already home. Alvaro also warned after midnight that it was late. They said goodbye to the students who were still there and made their way home. They were all still a bit excited from the disco and sat down in the living room for a moment. They were quiet because Ramiro and Isabel were already asleep.
"The idea with Lupe was great," said Alvaro. "You could see the surprise on her." The others agreed.
"It was really great, the performance, you harmonize very well with Gaspar, it gets more and more."

When Mia went into the kitchen, Juanma followed her. He put his hand on her shoulder and said "Hey, I wanted to tell you that it still means a lot to me to sing with you. It's a great feeling to be on stage with you. I have .. . "He rummaged in his pocket and took out his father's badge. He took one of the two plaques from the chain and gave it to Mia. "I want you to take it. Part me, part you. So we're always somehow connected." Mia took the plaque. "But that's ..."

"I still have the other part. So you have something that will always be important to me."

She laid the plaque in her hand and traced the stamped digits with one finger. She took him in her arms. "Thank you Juanma, it means a lot that you give me this. I know how attached you are to your father's things."

"It is important to me that you have that. I can't even explain why it is like this. But when you took my handwhile I sang the song I had exactly this idea in my head"

Mia hugged him. "You know I love you like a brother. We'll always be connected somehow."

"I know Mia and that's a good thing."

He took her hand "We should go to the others, ok?" Mia nodded. Alvaro said: "Hey, I was just going to suggest going to bed." He pulled Mia into his arms. Zoe had also got up and Juanma took her hand. They turned everything off and went into the room.

"Was everything ok with Juanma?"

"Yes, he gave this to me," she said, showing Alvaro the badge. Alvaro took it and looked at it. "Wow. That's his father's military brand."

"yes he said so we are always connected"

"That's the way it is. And you need each other too. You are a great team on stage. I am proud. Of you but also of both of you. He's a super good friend. For me and for  you."

Mia had already gone to bed and Alvaro lay down next to her. He stroked her hair. "You have no idea how much I love you at this moment Mia. I could scream with happiness when I see you on stage and know that I will hold you in my arms a few hours later. I love you Mia."

"and I love you. When I sing I sing for you to show you my love."

Alvaro took her hand and led it to her heart and then to his heart. "Love is when the " you" and  the "I"  me becomes an "us"." Mia gave him a kiss. "I couldn't have said that better"

she snuggled up to him and took him in her arms. He stroked her back. It wasn't long before she fell asleep. He smiled slightly. It was a nice feeling that she felt so comfortable and secure with him that she could fall asleep so deeply so quickly. He tried to concentrate on her warmth and fell asleep quickly, too.

Go live your way part 3Where stories live. Discover now