Ohne Titel Teil126

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They ate together and then Ramiro and Isabel said goodbye for the night. Gaspar and Lupe stayed a moment, but then wanted to go for a walk.

When Roberto, Juanma and Alvaro were alone with the girls, ROberto said "you know that we could have been on this slope in exactly this moment."

"We weren't," said Juanma, looking at the girls. "I know," said Roberto. "But it just crossed my mind."

For a moment the boys lingered on their thoughts. Zoe put her arms around Juanma and hugged him. Mia and Clara followed suit. They looked a little more into the fire. It had become clear to them how quickly nature could turn against humans here too.

"How did you think of reminding me of Dani" asked Alvaro.

"I saw that you had read a message from him in the morning. It occurred to me spontaneously. Remember how much he tries to save a life from the sea. I know that he is a role model for you," said Juanma and winked Alvaro.

Alvaro nodded. "You were right. I saw him in front of  me. He would probably even have tried to  dive in the snow." he said with a grin

The others laughed. "Yes he would for sure," said Zoe.

"I would like to go on his birthday," said Mia.

"We'll talk about it again. I would like to go too," said Alvaro. "We can sleep atthe house from  Toni and Dani," said Alvaro.

They sat together a little longer. The girls had cuddled up to the boys and enjoyed the warmth of the fire.  After a while Roberto said, "I think we're going over. It's getting late and it's been a long day."

Juanma, Alvaro and the girls put away the glasses, then they went to sleep too.

"Laura wrote to me," said Juanma to Zoe. "She wanted to make a call, but when I said I couldn't, she didn't answer. I ... I just wanted you to know."

"That's okay. I trust you." She took him in her arms. "Hopefully it won't be too often."

Juanma shook his head.

Zoe snuggled into his arms. "Tomorrow the day will definitely be quieter again. That was certainly a lot of excitement today at the point where the avalanche was."

"Yeah, but I didn't think about it. I turned everything off around me."

Zoe nodded. " I can understand that."

He took her in his arms. "I love you" he said softly.

"I love you too," Zoe replied and snuggled into Juanma's arms. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the warmth of his body.

Alvaro and Mia were already in bed too. Both were tired. Alvaro put his arms around Mia and pulled her close. Mia put her fingers around his hand.

"I cannot imagine being in the woman's place and knowing that my partner and my children are in the snow," he said quietly.

"No, I can't imagine that either. But everything went well." Mia said softly. "You helped save them." She smiled at him and gave him a kiss.

She closed her eyes and concentrated on his warmth and fell asleep quickly. Alvaro also fell asleep quickly.

When he woke up he was looking at his cell phone. It was shortly after 3. He got up because he didn't want to wake Mia.

He went into the kitchen to have a little water and opened the patio door for a moment. He was startled when a voice from the side said "Can't you sleep either?"

It was Roberto who was standing on the terrace with a glass of water and a cigarette.

" You smoke?" asked Alvaro.

"Every now and then, but only very rarely. It was kind of a bit tough today."

Alvaro nodded. "But we did the right thing, Roberto." He put a hand on his shoulder.

"Yes we did," said Roberto and smiled at Alvaro.

They stopped for a moment. Then Roberto said "I'm going back to Clara. She was awake when I left. I don't want her to have to look for me"

Alvaro nodded. "I'm going to Mia again, too , I just needed some fresh air."

"Good night" said Roberto and Alvaro nodded "I wish you a good night too"

Mia turned to him in her sleep. She took him in her arms and he wasn't sure. whether she was really asleep. He smiled as he tried to focus on her heartbeat and warmth.

"You're very cold," Mia mumbled half asleep, "were you outside."

"I just wanted something to drink," he said softly. Mia nodded and rested her head on his chest, patted his stomach and quickly fell asleep again.

Alvaro thought about everything for a moment. Then he too noticed how his thoughts slowly turned into a dream.

Go live your way part 3Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon