Ohne Titel Teil140

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They stayed at the hut for a while before they set off again. The students slowed down a bit on each slope the closer they got to the last lift. Ramiro said to Isabel when they were sitting in he Lift "you can see that it is difficult for them to say goodbye"

"Then we did everything right after all," said Isabel. "They also grow closer and closer together. Did you see that Clara grows more and more into the group and that Lupe gets along better and better with everyone."

Ramiro nodded. "I noticed and I'm very happy," he said.

The last slope had come. A few more photos were taken, then they took the last lift.

They brought back the borrowed equipment and when they got to the holiday home they tidily put all other things away. After showering, the boys looked through the cars and packed some things that they would no longer need. Isabel had processed all the leftovers into a dinner and they sat down again.

"Today we shouldn't stay up too long so that nobody is tired tomorrow on the journey", Ramiro warned.

After dinner, Isabel tidied  the kitchen in Ramiros and her apartment with Lupe and Clara and the others tidied up Alvaro's apartment. Clara still had to pack a few things and Lupe and Isabel were alone.

After a moment, Lupe put the tea towel down. "Isabel," she said. Isabel turned to her and looked at her quizzically. "Alvaro has indicated that Ramiro wants to divorce mom." Isabel nodded and said, "That's what he told me."

"I ..... Isabel, he's really serious about you ..." Isabel put her hand on Lupe's arm.

"I know. And I'm serious about him. Don't worry."

"It'll blow her mind." said Lupe.

"But wasn't it she who first said she wanted a divorce?"

"Yes, but she says a lot ... and she has changed so much. She has also not contacted me orAlvaro  all the time here."

Isabel took Lupe briefly in her arms. "It was and is not easy. But I'm happy about your change. I saw that you talk a lot with Mia too."

Lupe nodded. "I feel different. I can't explain it."

"I think I understand," said Isabel, smiling.

They went back to the others. Ramiro was playing cards with Alvaro, Juanma and Roberto and Gaspar was talking to Clara Zoe and Mia.

Lupe sat down next to Gaspar. He looked at her, got up and pulled her up. "Come on, take your jacket, let's enjoy the air again," he said softly.

When they were outside he said "It was a nice vacation" he took Lupe in his arms. Lupe returned the hug and said "I enjoyed every minute too."

"Sometimes I'm still afraid that you are not sure abou....about us. That something will change again between us."

"I'm sure. Gaspar. It's just that my situation is not always that easy. But as far as you are concerned, I'm sure."

Gaspar looked at her and gave her a kiss. Lupe threw her arms around his neck and rested her head on Gaspar's shoulder.

Ramiro had won the card game against the boys. "I have to be better than you somewhere," he laughed. He put the cards away and said to Isabel, "I think we'll let the kids enjoy the last evening alone."

He winked at the students and they left the apartment. Roberto also pulled Clara up to go to the apartment opposite. He sat down with her on the couch and enjoyed the fact that they were alone for a moment.

"We fit here  really well," he said, taking Clara's hand.

Clara nodded. "Both ...you and me together and with the other. Isabel and Ramiro act like we're family. It's a great feeling."

"Yes, I feel the same way. I always have the feeling that we can talk to both of them about anything."

Clara put her head on his shoulder. "With you I also have the feeling that I can talk to you about anything," she said softly.

"That's how it should be" smiled Roberto.

Alvaro, Mia, Juanma and Zoe sat down a bit in the living room to enjoy the fireplace again.

"I would really like to come back here," said Juanma quietly.

"Again next year," said Alvaro. "I think Ramiro would like to repeat that with us too."

"I'm also looking forward to the weekend with Dani and Toni," said Mia.

She had her head on Alvaro's lap and he was stroking her hair. Juanma had put his arm around Zoe.

"Yes, I'm happy too," said Juanma.

They stayed seated for a moment, then Alvaro said "I think I'm going to sleep now. I have to drive tomorrow."

"You can also let me drive" said Juanma and laughed

"I'll let you know when I no longer need my car." laughed Alvaro-

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