Ohne Titel Teil52

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The next morning, Juanma, Zoe, Alvaro, and Mia heard footsteps above them on deck. They hadn't heard any doors downstairs. Alvaro looked over at Juanma. Juanma had also sat up and looked up. "It's Lupe or Gaspar," said Zoe in a sleepy voice, "I've already heard something from both of them."

The boys decided to look. Zoe was right, it was Gaspar. He had already started to set the table on deck. "Sorry did I wake you up?" "No, not directly, "said Alvaro.

"Let's get in the water before breakfast," said Juanma.

"Ok, I'll finish this and get changed, Lupe is already awake." Juanma and Alvaro changed quickly too. "You want to go into the cold water now," Zoe grinned and pulled her covers higher. "

"The best way to wake up," said Alvaro.

When the three were back on deck, they jumped into the water. The sea was back to its great blue color. On the horizon the blue of the sea merged seamlessly into the deep blue sky.

They hadn't been in the water long when Ramiro appeared on deck. "Hey, I thought you were waiting for me," he called and jumped off the ladder.

Isabel shook her head, laughing. "You are all crazy," she exclaimed.

"It's the best way to wake up," Ramiro shouted back.

"Alvaro said that too," laughed Juanma. Alvaro dived down. When he reappeared, he said, "What's that called again when you dive without  bottle with oxygen?"

"Apnea diving, "said Ramiro." But it is not without risk.

"I bet Dani can" laughed Juanma.

"Who is first on the boat" called Gaspar and started.

"That's unfair," shouted Juanma and swam after him.

Isabel called from above. " Breakfast is ready. "

"Very well, I'm starving," Ramiro shouted and was the first on the ladder. Alvaro nudged Juanma and grinned. Ramiro was seldom so exuberant and happy.

Gaspar went to bring  Lupe from below, she was the only one not on deck yet. She seemed to be in a slightly better mood again, she kissed Gaspar as a greeting.

Breakfast was peaceful and after breakfast Ramiro drove to the small village  again. "You guys help me to get some things" he asked and the boys nodded.

Isabel suggested the girls do some shopping. Everyone agreed, including Lupe, although she only talked to Isabel about the most essential things.

They rummaged through the little shops and found one or the other thing they wanted to buy. It was a relaxed morning and they met up with the others at the cafe where they had been the day before.

"Next I wanted to head for the island that Dani had mentioned," says Ramiro and looked at the others questioningly.

The kids agreed. When they were back on board, Alvaro and Ramiro looked at the maps and the route. "We'll first see where the wind is blowing us," said Ramiro.

Mia and Zoe had laid out on deck in the sun. Lupe looked over the water. Gaspar sits down with her. "Everything ok" he asked? Lupe nodded. "Shall we go swimming again with the others?" asked Gaspar.

When Lupe hesitated, he said, "I'm not going to drag you under the water again.

"Dolphins!" they suddenly heard Alvaro calling. Everyone ran to the rail. Indeed he was right. A group of dolphins swam past them not far from the boat. "I want to go into the water" Mia shouted and Alvaro was already taking off his shirt. "Be careful," Isabel shouted, Mia Juanma and Alvaro were already on the ladder and gradually slipped into the water.

Gaspar had changed quickly too and followed them. "Lupe Zoe, what about you guys." asked Ramiro who secured the boat first. Zoe shrugged. "Come down, let's swim there together," said Juanma and waited at the end of the ladder. Alvaro and Mia had swam slowly towards the group and remained as still as possible in the water.

Indeed, a dolphin came up to them. He swam over to them and nudged Alvaro's hand. Gaspar was with them. "Dolphins are usually not afraid of people," he said quietly. He saw two more circling the group. Juanma and Zoe reached them too. Juanma sensed Zoe's fear. "We did the same with Dani," he said softly. "Just stay very still, they won't hurt you"

The animals circled them a couple of times and again and again one came closer. Lupe was on the ladder. Ramiro was behind her and said, "Come on, my darling, let's swim to them." Lupe slid into the water and when Ramiro was next to her. he took her by the hand. Lupe squeaked when one of the animals touched her. For a while they still had the opportunity to watch the group, then unfortunately the dolphins disappeared as quickly as they appeared.

Mia and Zoe stayed in the water a little longer with the boys. Lupe disappeared with the words "This is way too cold"

Zoe stayed close to Juanma. She watched Gaspar dragging Mia under the water. When Gaspar swam her and Juanma, she called out "No, please" Gaspar laughed and said, "Come on, hang on to my shoulders, then Juanma can swim a little too."

"But don't do the same as with Lupe and Mia" said Zoe and Gaspar shook his head laughing. "Juanma would kill me if I did something like that" Juanma laughed and said "What you can rely on." He swam to Alvaro and Mia. "Let's swim to the boat in competition. The three of us," said Alvaro-

Juanma won by a good margin and Mia was a long way behind the two. She swam over to them and climbed the ladder. "It makes me tired when I have nowhere to stand," she said. Gaspar had also delivered Zoe to the ladder.

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