Ohne Titel Teil70

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When Alvaro came back to the others, he pulled Mia a little away from the others.

"Did you know that Juanma's birthday is on Saturday?" asked he.

"Wait Saturday is the? Thirtieth?"

When Alvaro nodded, Mia said. "I knew it, but I completely forgot about it.

"Ok, it's only the beginning of the week. We definitely have to call Florencia, not that she is planning something and we get in the way."

Mia nodded. "I'll take care of that."

"Ok, Zoe and I are considering who to invite."

"But only after I talked to Florencia," laughed Mia.

She kept her word. That same evening she called Juanma's mother. "Dear, nice, that you got in touch, I would have called you tomorrow. I would be happy if we have a party here." Mia agreed. She clarified with Florencia how many people could be planned and said that Isabel and Ramiro would definitely help with the preparations.

"What do we do with Mercedes. We always helped each other," said Florencia thoughtfully. "Oh Mia, leave it, I'll think about something, don't you worry about it," she answered the question herself.

When everyone was in Mias and Zoe's room, they didn't have a chance to talk about it. So Mia Alvaro stopped a little behind the two in the morning and told him briefly what she had discussed with Florencia. After breakfast she gave Isabel a quick call. Isabel was immediately hooked and promised to get in touch with Florencia.

"Planning is on the way," she said to Alvaro briefly as she passed.

During the break, she had the opportunity to talk to Zoe about it. Zoe was shocked that they had all forgotten the birthday and had a doubly guilty conscience because, as his girlfriend, she should have thought of it in any case. Mia calmed her down and said, "We still have almost all the time in the world." "That would never have happened to him," said Zoe, a little sadly.

"Wait, it's your birthday soon too," grinned Mia. "Talk to Alvaro who should come. If we all three of us stick our heads together now, he'll be suspicious. I'll go over a few songs with him this afternoon. " Zoe nodded.

Alvaro had arranged to meet Zoe, Roberto and Clara in the ice cream parlor. There they were undisturbed.

"Well, Florencia and Isabel take care of the food and drinks. When we celebrate at Juanma's home, there is not endless space. Perhaps we will limit ourselves to the people on the team with company, Gaspar and Lupe."

At "Gaspar and Lupe", Roberto looked at him a little surprised and Alvaro added "On vacation, Juanma and Gaspar got along very well and I can imagine he's happy when we invite him. And I don't want to rule out Lupe either"

Zoe nodded "I think that's a good idea." They added up briefly so that they could tell Florencia how many people she could expect.

"I would like to do something special," said Zoe.

"Jump out of a cake" laughed Roberto.

She hit him lightly on the arm.

"Cake? That wouldn't be a bad idea. Autencia will definitely help us. Marcello can then take it with him home. You can bring it in for him in the evening  with the candles."

Zoe nodded. "That's a good idea," she said, looking triumphantly at Roberto. "I think the idea that you ..." began Roberto. "Save it," laughed Zoe.

When the plan was set, they drove back to school.

Mia had made an appointment with Juanma in Go because they still had songs from Charlie that they hadn't gone through yet. He was looking forward to spending time with Mia, he enjoyed working through the songs with her.

Mia was already there when he arrived. "Is there a reason why the others go out to eat ice cream without us" he asked with a smile.

"What, no, hopefully they will at least bring us something. They take advantage of that immediately when we are busy," said Mia and started the music.

They listened to the first song. Mia had a few suggestions for changes here and there. Juanma wrote it down.

After a moment, Juanma said "The holiday was really great, I think the best one I've spent with you so far and just all the others were great."

"I also thought it was very nice. And I'm happy that you and Zoe are getting closer and closer. You two fit together really well and I'm happy for both of you. That's how I united my best friends and have them almost always around me."

Juanma took her in his arms. "It's good the way it is, I never would have thought that ... that I can love you so much, but can only be friends with you. I still love you, but in a different way." Mia laughed, "I know exactly what you mean. And that's why I'm so happy. Also that you are so good friends with Alvaro. I never thought that you two would get along so well. Isabel likes you all very much too, that I notice every time. "

"Isabel is a real sweetheart. Also for Ramiro. I always feel like we're really a family when we're all together."

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