Ohne Titel Teil192

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The next morning the students helped make breakfast and Alvaro picked up Dani and Toni. They could have had breakfast at the hotel too, but they preferred to eat with the others.

After breakfast Dani showed Mia the photos of Vicky and Blanka as promised and of course the others wanted to see the pictures too.

Ramiro said "It wasn't difficult to find out the phone number, I'm glad it worked" Dani smiled at him.

The weather was dry and so Alvaro suggested to go to the park with the turtles. Dani and Toni didn't know it , Isabel and Ramiro dropped out for the day, Ramiro still had a few emails to answer and Isabel was a bit tired from the short night.

When they got to the park, Mia said, "Can we go straight to the turtles." Alvaro laughed and Dani said "I don't know my way around here, I'll let you guide me."

They first made a round of the park, at the lake where they had been lying in the sun,  then to the petting zoo. The animals enjoyed the visitors, who were rare at this time of the year. A feeder had been set up where you could buy feed for the animals for a small fee. The animals were particularly happy about this.

When they got to the turtle enclosure, someone was there bringing lettuce leaves for the turtles. They went through the entrance and looked that they closed  everything again behind them. The enclosure had grown, a small part was cut off where turtles were kept in the water. However, they were not from the sea, but freshwater turtles. You couldn't see them, because at low temperatures they are in a kind of hibernation under water. Mia read the information label carefully. When Toni stepped next to her, he said "The animals kind of did it to you, didn't they?"

Mia nodded. "They are great animals too," he said and put his hand on Mia's shoulder.

After a while they moved on. Lupe and Gaspar had moved away from the group, they wanted to be a little to themselves.

They met again with the two of them at the exit. Mia had the feeling that Gaspar was a little depressed, but said nothing.

They made their way to Ramiro and Isabel, where Isabel had prepared something to eat.

When everything was tidied up after dinner, Dani said "I think we're going to drive slowly to the hotel."

" Why?" asked Ramiro, "Why don't you stay here a little longer, the hotel is sure to be boring."

He sat down with the students and Dani and Toni. "How is your course going?" he asked.

"We give a first aid course and take swimming badges. I'll do some diving exercises with a few people. Toni does the badges."

"First aid is not bad. Do you still have places available?"

"I can tell you that in the morning, then I'll get the list. Why do you ask?" answered Dani

"I thought maybe some students might be interested. It can't hurt. And I could use a refresher too."

"I'll let you know tomorrow how we can fit that in." said Dani with a laugh.

They talked for a while about the school, Toni and Dani found the school system very interesting and Ramiro loved to talk about it.

Mia had withdrawn outside with Gaspar because he still seemed thoughtful to her. " Is everything OK?" she asked immediately when they stepped onto the terrace.

He nodded, but then said "I have some concerns that Lupes family nevver will really accept me for her boyfriend, except Ramiro of course."

" What makes you think that?"

"Lupe asked if we could go to her next week's talk. Mercedes refused, that  I should come with her."

"But she had nothing against you earlier."

"Apparently yes," said Gaspar, a little sadly.

"Then we're in the same boat," Mia said and smiled at him. "Come on, the only thing that matters first is that everything is ok between you and Lupe"

"Yes it is, but it makes her sad and I'm sorry. My parents, when they see us, like her and she feels good with us too."

"Then take her with you. Maybe you will stop by Javier. He is always happy when Alvaro or Lupe have time for him. And you can sleep there too."

Lupe had come to the two of them and said "Sorry, I didn't want to overhear you, but I can ask Javier if we can go to see him over the weekend."

Gaspar pulled Lupe towards him. "If that's what you want," he said and smiled at her.

Lupe put his head on his shoulder. Mia got up and left the two of them alone a bit.

When she came back to the others, Alvaro looked at her inquiringly. Mia smiled and gave her thumbs up.

It was getting dark and Dani asked Alvaro to drive them both to the hotel. "You have to prepare for tomorrow and we have to too." he said with a laugh. "See you tomorrow, okay?"

"We'll meet in town after your course," said Juanma and Dani and Toni nodded.

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