Ohne Titel Teil116

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Ramiro drove with Isabel, Clara and Zoe a short and easy ski slope to get an idea of ​​how Clara got along and how much Zoe could still do. He explained a few things first and then let them go after him. They had fun and after a relatively short time the two tried to overtake each other while having laughing. But he also observed that they gave each other tips and helped. Isabel drove after them and helped where she could. She looked at Ramiro. She liked how patiently he worked with the girls and how much fun he seemed to be having. She was proud to be by his side.

"Are you ready to meet the others? They have done a lap and want to see your progress," he said with a laugh. Zoe looked at him with eyes flashing with excitement. "I definitely am," she said and Clara nodded and laughed.

He wrote to Alvaro and they met at the lift where they had picked up the tickets. Then Juanma used the map to show him how they had been driven. "You also skied the red slopes, that's very good."

"Red is not just for beginners," explained Isabel to Clara.

"Juanma and I take the black slope there afterwards," said Alvaro, pointing to an ounce on the map.

Ramiro laughed, explaining to the others, "Blue is suitable for beginners, red is a bit more difficult and the black ones are very demanding. So when you are on the slopes  pay attention to the color of the slopes im the map or at the start."

They took the lift up. When they got to the top, it went to the lift to the black slope. "You can wait for us or continue if Isabel wants to do that with you. We'll catch up with you," Ramiro said, but the others decided to wait.

The weather was nice and Lupe snapped off her skis at the edge of the piste, stuck them upright in the snow and put the sticks in the binding across so that she could sit on them.

The others followed suit and stuck their noses into the sun.

Ramiro drove up with the boys. Roberto actually wanted to come along, but he didn't want to interrupt Clara as she proudly told him what she was already able to do. It was a longer lift from which you could see the slope well. There were some steep sections. JUanma turned around and saw the others sitting on the edge of the slope. he laughed. "You can do it that way too," he said while the others turned around.

When they finally got upstairs, Ramiro said. "I know you guys are good, but I would like us to stay together." The boys nodded.

Ramiro drove up. It was fun they got really quick and arrived down with red cheeks. "Again" said Alvaro and Ramiro said "Tomorrow, the others will start to freeze if they have to wait that long. It is the first day we still have all the time in the world."

Isabel had told the others to get ready to go again. Juanma hugged Zoe. "Is the slope bad" asked Zoe. "No, a bit steep, but fun," said Juanma. "We're going down here now, taking the next lift up again and then back. I think it's enough for the first day. Tired skiers fall faster," said Ramiro.

The next slope was very good for the beginners. Clara showed Roberto what Ramiro had taught her and Mia and Zoe ran a little race. Lupe followed Gaspar and Juanma and Alvaro were already down when the others started. Alvaro had been faster. "Your skis are better waxed" said Juanma and they both laughed.

"We'll wax both  later, then we'll see tomorrow." said Alvaro.

When everyone was down, Ramiro said, "Now I'm curious who of you bring your skis to the house first." Everyone laughed.

They drove in the direction of the path that led to the house.

Ramiro showed everyone how to put the skis away properly and Alvaro did indeed find ski wax. He shows it to Juanma and JUanma winked at him and showed him thumbs up. "Be careful with that," Ramiro said and laughed.

One after the other, they all took a hot shower and then they worked together to prepare the food and the table. Isabell had Alvaro bring her chicken drumsticks and potatoes, which she cooked in the oven. Quickly they all sat at the table with red cheeks and shining eyes. You could tell from everyone that the weather was good, the color in the faces was good.

"The sun in the mountains is not to be underestimated and I can see exactly who is wearing skiglasses or sunglasses," said Isabel and laughed.

Alvaro had found two games and they were playing a big game all together. Clara looked around and Roberto saw. that she had tears in her eyes. He took her in his arms and looked at her questioningly. "I ..." she cleared her throat and then said a little louder, "I never felt so nice and at home as I do with all of you. And thank you for letting me be here."

Roberto took her tightly in his arms and Ramiro said "I think I speak for us all when I say that we are happy that you are there. And anyway, I think you are a great group and a great team. We are planning soon the next vacation."

The students were happy. It was really a nice community. "We only have one outsider with us," said Zoe, looking at Gaspar. "You're the only one who doesn't go to our school."

"Yes,  can't you change? Please ..." said Mia.

"That would be great then the others wouldn't always make a long nose to me because they can always see their boyfriends" said Lupe and took Gaspar's hand.

Ramiro said, "Gaspar, you're welcome to pass  over to our school. But even if you don't, it's only this school year. We'll talk about it again in peace, but you're welcome."

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