Ohne Titel Teil4

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"Let's dream," said Mia. "Imagine we have children. What do you wish for, girls or boys."

"A girl and  a boy," said Alvaro with a smile, "and the girl should have your eyes and your smile."

"How many years apart?" Mia asked with a smile.

"A maximum of three," replied Alvaro.

"Imagine we live here and have an eight year old boy and a five year old daughter."

"Mariana" interrupted Alvaro.

"What?" Said Mia.

"I would suggest Mariana is her name." Mia swallowed. Alvaro put his arm around her. "If your mom has guided the fate that we find each other, then she will love to have a granddaughter by her name."

He caught a tear that rolled down Mia's cheek. "I would like our daughter to be called Mariana," she said very quietly. "But I would never impose this name on you"

"But I would like it too," Alvaro said with a smile. "And I see her taking the shovel away from her brother and he doesn't say anything because she is smaller".

"Were you like that with Lupe?" Mia asked.

"That depended on it. I left her some things, but sometimes she also had to learn that she couldn't take everything from me," he said.

"Our son, what's his name?" asked Mia.

"Manuel, because Juanma is supposed to be his godfather." said Alvaro with a smile.

"Manuel Paz, that fits," said Mia and took Alvaro in her arms.

"He will want to drive the tractor with me when I go into the fields," said Alvaro.

"And Mariana will be able to ride before she can walk" Mia looked dreamily at the stars.

"But there isn't a school like the St, Marys here."

"We'll set it up." Alvaro was laughing now.

He hugged Mia and looked at the stars too. "Your mom is waiting somewhere up there to be able to send us two little souls. When the time is right."

Mia took his hand. "We'll find the right time. When did you actually consider that Juanma should become godfather?"

"Since he's been my best friend. I'm sure he would love it. He's like a brother and I'm happy to have him as a friend. And I'm glad you have him as a friend too, because I know that he is simply the better contact person for some things. He understands you. And he is there for you whenever it is not possible for me. "

Mia nodded. "I'm also glad we have Zoe and Juanma. They are great friends and a great couple."

"Should Zoe become a godmother?"

"Absolutely," said Mia. "I really want her to be a godmother and that our friendship lasts forever. And I want Lupe to be the second godmother for one of our children. I don't want to exclude her and I hope that until the right time comes for us to see something like a sister in her. "

Now it was Alvaro who swallowed. Any other girl would not have thought about Lupe as a godmother. But Mia was Mia. "But then for Mariana." he said with a smile "She can give her make-up tips and go shopping with her" Mia laughed and nodded.

Alvaro pulled Mia closer to him. "Sometimes it feels like a dream with both of us and sometimes I'm really scared to wake up and find that you're not there," he said.

Mia took his face in her hands and gave him a long kiss. "I've kissed you awake now, you see, I'm with you and it's not a dream" she said while she put her head on his shoulder. "But I know what you mean. And it's always nice that our relationship is as beautiful as a dream."

After a moment she said, "You didn't mean a nightmare, did you?" She laughed. "No, because I would be happy if I woke up," said Alvaro, laughing too.

They sat there for a while until they saw that Alberto had lit the campfire. The others were already sitting around it when they got there.

"Did you like it here" Alberto asked his guests. They all nodded and Ramiro thanked him again for the invitation.

"You are always welcome here, when the houses are free, we would be happy if you come to visit us again". The fire crackled and there was a relaxed atmosphere. Clara and Zoe wanted to go back to the baby cats in the barn.

" Do you think someone notices if one is missing tomorrow, "said Clara with a smile.

" I can't keep it under control in Mias and my room, it would eat my hamster, "laughed Zoe.

They heard a noise up almost on the roof of the barn and winced. They saw nothing that had caused this noise. Zoe put the kitten back in the hay nest and they went to the others.

"We just heard a noise in the roof of the barn, but it's not windy at all," Zoe said to Ruby.

"Oh, that's our owl. It flies in search of food at night, it will definitely come back."

Travis laughed "And I bet she scared you guys, right?" Clara nodded.

Go live your way part 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora