Ohne Titel Teil120

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Juanma and Zoe put on jackets and shoes and went for a walk in the snow. The snow crunched under their shoes and the air was so cold that their breath froze. But they were warmly dressed and enjoying the fresh air.

Juanma took Zoe's hand and said, "I talked to Mia this morning. She told me how nice it is that we have built so much trust in one another. I've thought about it and I'm infinitely happy about it. I feel at home with you. "

Zoe stopped and took him in her arms. "I feel the same way. There is now such a feeling of security that I only felt with Alvaro and Mia in the past."

Juanma gave her a kiss. "Today we have to be careful not to freeze together," said Juanma with a laugh.

They looked into the mountains and saw scattered lights. "There are sure to be holiday homes or inhabited houses."

She unconsciously made her way to the willage. They passed the first houses. it looked cozy everywhere, with the little houses and the lights. Candles could be seen flickering through a couple of windows. At one house a man was still clearing the entrance to his house. He looked briefly at Zoe and Juanma. Juanma briefly raised his hand in greeting and the man said "Be careful, fresh snow has been announced. A lot could come"

Juanma said "Thank you, we'll take care". They ran a little further. At a piece of pristine snow, Zoe lay down in the snow and made a snow angel. Juanma had to laugh. "Now you are all wet"

"No, the snow is so powdery that it falls straight off." laughed Zoe. Juanma pulled her up again.

Zoe already had red cheeks from the cold and her eyes were shining. It slowly started to snow and Juanma said "maybe we should go back" Zoe nodded.

Alvaro and Mia had made themselves comfortable by the fireplace. Mia had her head on Alvaro's lap. Alvaro stroked her hair. Mia fixed the fire. She liked the living-looking flames and the warmth it exuded. She took Alvaro's hand. He leaned down and kissed her.

"A difficult decision, a remote mountain hut or a house on the beach," he said thoughtfully. Mia looked at him questioningly. "Where we live," he explained. "On the beach or in the mountains. Don't worry, I'm just dreaming." he said.

"In winter in the mountains and in summer on the beach." said Mia and smiled at him.

"It's a good mix," said Alvaro with a smile. "Everything is fine with me, as long as it is with you."

MIa sat up and took him in her arms. "That goes without saying," she said softly. "Separate from each other is impossible."

Neither of them said anything for a while, they let the mood sink in. Alvaro was caressing Mia's back and she had laid her head on his shoulder. "I would like to stop time," she said softly.

"Then let's do it," grinned Alvaro. He held Mia tight and turned she so that he could kiss her. He enjoyed these moments when he had her all to himself. Where they just focused on themselves. And he loved it when they shared future plans and dreams for the future. He was determined to share his life with Mia if she wanted to. He couldn't imagine anyone else at his side and hoped that she too was this opinion and it would stay that way.

"I've been thinking about studying medicine again," he said quietly. "I'll check my grades and see if I would get admission and then I'll discuss it again with my parents in peace. However, especially during my time as an assistant doctor, that means that I have to work a lot of shifts and we often don't can really see. We have to think about whether we want to. "

Mia looked at him. "I would never get in the way of your future plans," she said softly.

"Mia these are our plans for the future. I wouldn't want to do anything if our relationship is to break."

"We can talk to Penny together. She's been through that relatively recently."

Alvaro nodded. " That's a good idea." he said.

He took Mia in his arms again. "Dad still wants me to be a lawyer or something."

"You have to do what makes you happy. We all have a job longer than we go to school, for example. If you don't want that, then don't do it."

"You know Papa, but now I can talk to him about such things sensibly," said Alvaro, smiling.

"I support you in everything. And we simply master difficult times together. A suffering shared is a suffering halved," said Mia and hugged Alvaro.

Alvaro gave her a kiss. "I'm glad to have you by my side. I love you"

"And I love you," Mia said and squeezed his hand.

Alvaro pulled her up and went to the window. In the meantime it was snowing heavily and the road could no longer be seen. They heard the door open and Juanma and Zoe were back

"You look like snowmen" laughed Mia. They went to the two of them and helped them take off their wet and snowy jackets.

When everything was stowed away, Juanma and Zoe sat down next to Alvaro and Mia by the fire, which Alvaro had fired up again.

Go live your way part 3Where stories live. Discover now