Ohne Titel Teil107

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When Juanma stood at the locker Thursday and turned around, Laura was standing behind him. Juanma was startled and said "What are you doing here?"

"I go to school here," said Laura with an amused grin.

"I thought you'd be home for the week," said Juanma and turned back to his locker.

"I don't want to rewrite the English exam," said Laura.

"Well then," said Juanma, "good luck," he added and wanted to walk past Laura.

"Juanma wait." said Laura. " What?" asked Juanma.

"We still have a few minutes. I wanted to talk to you."

When Juanma looked at her questioningly, she said: "I'm sorry that I lied. I ..."

"Laura, honestly. I don't care how you live. But we don't like people who lie here. There is no reason to lie to us either."

He tried to turn again. This time she held him. "Can't you at least listen to me?"

"Laura, I tried to talk to you, but I don't follow you when you feel like it."

"And Juanma also has a girlfriend," said a voice from behind. When Laura turned around, Zoe was standing behind her, eyes narrowed.

"We're just talking," said Laura. Zoe took Juanma's hand. "The English exam is about to start," she said. "Mia is already in class."

They went to class and Laura trudged after them. After the exam she disappeared into her room. "Is she staying now?" asked Mia.

"I have no idea. She wanted to talk to me before the exam."

"It doesn't matter, we'll be at your home from tomorrow. With a lot of luck we won't see her very often until then." said Zoe.

When Juanma and Alvaro wanted to take  a shower after dinner n their rooms, Juanma heard footsteps behind him on the way to his room. When he turned around, he saw Laura behind him. "Why do I always have the feeling that you are spying on me" he said.

"Maybe I do"

"Oh, suddenly you admit it."

"I said maybe," said Laura, smiling slightly.

" So what do you want.?"

"you said you don't understand why I'm lying ..."

"Nah, I don't either."

"I ... In France we had a very large villa. Larger than the house we have here. We had gardeners, cleaning ladies, a cook, I always had a nanny. You understand Juanma, I never really have much contact to my parents. They never read a story to me ... "she broke off. Juanma looked at her a moment longer. "Then why are you lying?" asked Juanma. "So what does one have to do with the other?"

The door opened and Fede stuck his head out the door. "Oh, here you are, I was wondering where you were."

"I have to go," said Laura and was gone.

Fede looked questioningly at Juanma. Juanma shrugged. "I think she was just trying to explain to me that having money is bad. Who knows which of it is true again."

Fede rolled his eyes and closed the door behind Juanma. Juanma took a shower and picked up a few things. "Hurry up Sofie is coming soon." he said with a grin.

Juanma clapped his hand and made his way to the girls' room.

This time he didn't meet Laura. When he was with the others, he related what Laura had told him.

"I think she misses a family," Mia said. "I think she wanted to tell you that. I mean, can you imagine what it is like to be raised by strangers. Only seeing your parents between appointments. And then when you have just got used to it all. maybe you are old enough. to be able to use the advantages of money, you will be torn out and start again.

"But do you feel sorry for her?" asked Zoe.

"I'm trying to put myself in her position. However, that doesn't excuse lies."

"She should leave Juanma alone."

Juanma smiled at zoe and put his hand on her cheek. "How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not interested in Barbies. Please don't worry," he pulled Zoe by and gave her a kiss.

Zoe took him in her arms.

She pulled him onto the bed. "We should sleep," she said. Juanma took her in his arms  tight. Alvaro and Mia had already snuggled into bed.

"I hope Laura will get used to it sometime," Mia said softly.

Alvaro snuggled up against her. "She has to get used to a lot. It's very different here than how she used to live.

"But the first thing she has to get used to is not lying. It would be easier if she was just honest. We all have problems at times but we don't lie "

Zoe yawned: "let's talk about it tomorrow. I'm really tired and I don't want to dream about Laura." The others laughed juanma laid down next to her and hugged her. "Better you dream of me," he said softly.

Go live your way part 3Where stories live. Discover now