Ohne Titel Teil99

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When Laura arrived in her room with Alvaro, she looked around. She had to admit, it was a nicely furnished room with a nice view of the garden. "You can put your things in the closet, the bathroom is just opposite." said Alvaro. "I think we'll see you shortly downstairs."

He heard the doorbell and Lupe and Gaspar were in the hallway. Mercedes sent them to Lupe's room. Alvaro went to Mia, who had sat on the bedside in his room. "Feel at home," he said. "You know the room"

"Yes, but that was different." Mia said carefully. Alvaro sat down next to her and put his arm around her. "Hey it's all right. Take a deep breath."

Juanma and Zoe came over to them. "Did you hear about how she spoke?" Zoe said to Mia. "Do they still have employees?" Mia shrugged.

"My mother said we should come down when we got things up. Shall we go down."

The others nodded. Mercedes was standing in the kitchen and had prepared an oven dish, which later only had to be put in the oven.

"It's nice that you are here," she said, but you could tell her insecurity in the fact that she wasn't making eye contact. They heard footsteps on the stairs and Gaspar and Lupe stood behind them. "Finally  here," said Juanma with a laugh and poked Gaspar in the side. "I stick to the speeds, not like Alvaro" laughed Gaspar. Alvaro looked at both of them and then caught his mother's gaze. "No, only joking," said Gaspar, "Lupe and I left later."

"Laura is coming soon too?" asked Mercedes. Alvaro nodded and at that moment he heard the footsteps on the stairs. "I put Limo out and we can still catch a few sun rays," said Mercedes.

They sat outside around the table. Lupe began to tell about the performance and that Gaspar had brought her on stage. Laura looked at the table top with a bit of success.

"I have another surprise for you," said Mercedes. "Laura's mother, or rather her parents, have invited us all over for coffee tomorrow." Everyone smiled, but Laura seemed a little nervous. "To our home?" she asked Mercedes.

"But yes, I asked Ilaria if it wasn't too much work, but she said it wasn't a problem"

"She doesn't need to do a lot herself, surely you have employees  for that too right Laura?"

Laura looked up briefly and nodded. "I'll ... I'll be right back," she said and disappeared upstairs.

"She doesn't seem to be very enthusiastic," said Lupe from what went through everyone's mind. "

"She will get used to it, her mother is definitely looking forward to getting to know you all."

When nobody said anything, Mercedes said "I'll turn the stove on, would  like someone to help cut the salad?"

Mia nodded and Alvaro said "Mia and I will do that."

"Then the rest of us set the table" suggested Gaspar.

Everyone went to work. Laura came back after a while. Juanma thought she had been crying, but wasn't sure.

Mercedes got an important phone call and disappeared into a room, the others sat around the table.

"I'm excited to see your big house," said Lupe. "You must have a pool in the garden too, right?"

Laura shook her head. "No, well there is already one but .... something is broken at the moment."

"What a shame" said Juanma "I would have enjoyed throwing Alvaro in full gear into the pool"

Alvaro laughed "The question is who would have fallen into it"

Mercedes came back to the others. "Is that OK for you if Javier comes along. I told him that you are all here and he has not seen you in a long time."

When everyone nodded, Mercedes said, "Fine, then I'll tell him to come to dinner."

"Are you talking to each other again?" asked Lupe.

"Well we always talk to each other, we just don't always agree, that's a difference"

"Who is Javier" asked Laura.

"My father" said Alvaro and Lupe at the same time and they both had to laugh.

Laura looked from one to the other and nodded.

Mercedes went to call Javier and to check on dinner and the students had a chat.

When the doorbell finally rang and Javier came, he greeted everyone in a friendly manner. "You are definitely Laura, aren't you?" he asked as he shook hands with her. She nodded. "You are the only one I don't know yet," he said and smiled at her. "Nice to see you all. It's been a long time again. What's new." asked he.

The students talked about sailing, about the performance and  of the basketball ball till  Mercedes arrived with the meal.

"Also I forgot I brought us a wine" he said to Mercedes and got up to get the bottle. Alvaro and Lupe looked at each other and Juanma nudged Mia.

Javier filled two glasses and clinked glasses with Mercedes. "Have a nice evening with family and friends," he said

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