Ohne Titel Teil11

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Alvaro woke Mia in the morning before the others were awake. They quickly went to have breakfast and had left a note for the other two that they were already gone.

" Where are we going?" asked Mia.

"That's a surprise." Alvaro smiled and got into the car.

They drove for a long time and Mia became more and more curious. Alvaro parked the car in front of  a huge building that said "Seaarea Buenos Aires"

" Where are we?" Mia asked.

"It's a big aquarium. They have sea turtles and lots of other fish and marine animals. I thought, because you liked the turtles in the park, you might as well see the ones that live in the sea."

Alvaro paid the entrance and they went inside. In the beginning there were a few smaller pools with smaller fish. "There's Nemo," Mia laughed and pointed to a small red and white striped fish.

Alvaro took her hand. There were great fish and when they passed it they came into a hall where they went under an aquarium tunnel. Rays and many small fish that they did not recognize swam above their heads. The floors at the side basins were covered with artificial claw reefs and caves. "There's a seahorse," said Alvaro, pointing to a very small animal relatively close to the window.

"And there are signposts to the turtles." They came back into a very large room in which they again had water and fish above them. Directly at the entrance a turtle swam over their heads. It was a large animal and Mia howled with enthusiasm. Alvaro took Mia in his arms. "I love to see you so happy" he said and hugged her. There were benches on which they could sit to watch the animals. Alvaro sat down and Mia lay down lengthways the bench, with her head on hin lap  and looked at the ceiling, where there were many fish swimming over them. "Are there any sharks here?" she asked. "We have to find out, if yes, only  the smaller ones, the big ones, cannot be kept in captivity."

They stayed for a long time  watching the animals overhead and around them. "I would like to dive there now," said Mia.

"You speak out of my mind" said Alvaro and smiled.

He stroked Mia's cheek and brushed her hair back from her face. Then he gave her a kiss. "You have no idea how much I love you," she said. "That was a really nice surprise"

"I thought we could need a little togetherness and a little bit of rest."

Mia sat up and got up, then took Alvaro by the hand. "Let's go on," she said. They came to a few other halls with aquariums and looked at the colorful variety of sea creatures.

When they were through and in the sun again, Alvaro said "To our pizzeria?".

"Yes, gladly" smiled Mia. When they got there, the landlord greeted them in a friendly manner. It was still early, they sat down on the terrace and ordered their pizza. The landlord sat down with them for a moment and had a chat with them. It turned out that Ramiro had been there with Isabel before and Alvaro had to laugh. "Ramiro loved it here before when wie were here all together," he said.

After dinner, the two of them went around the little lake. "It's always nice here and I thank you for the wonderful day."

"At some point, when we have children, we can tell them that we were there before they were born. I'm looking forward to showing them  all the places that we have fond memories of. And I hope we will have many beautiful places by then with fond memories. "

"We determined that. Everything we do together is nice," she took him in her arms and put her head on his shoulder.

"I try to collect as many quiet moments as possible. It's all stressful enough and I love it when we can take a break."

"I think so too, but I am also glad that I can be with you when it gets stressful. I know that you give a lot of thought to how it will be with your family and that was the reason because I went back to the friendship earlier. I thought that it would be better. But now I have understood that we are only complete together. It still hurts when I see what's going on with you. But I'm glad that I'm at your side in these moments. "

"I need that too," said Alvaro. "I am often afraid that everything will be too much for you. But then, on days like today, I feel that it also strengthens us and strengthens our love. And that helps me a lot."

Mia looked at him. "I couldn't have said that better," she said and gave him a long kiss. He replied and looked deeply into her eyes. "I love you Mia Carceres. And I always want to be with you."

Go live your way part 3Where stories live. Discover now