Ohne Titel Teil38

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This time Juanma didn't train with Jorge either, but with a coach named Cris.
He shooed the group out for an endurance run. It was good training for that they often didn't have the time at school. At the training camp they could concentrate on basketball. At lunch break, Alvaro was a bit pale again and pretty knocked out
"Are you sure you shouldn't take a rest?" Juanma asked softly.
"No, that's okay, the pills help quite well, I'll take another one right away and then I'll be there again after the break."
Juanma saw that Alvaro was writing with Mia during the break and then closed his eyes for a moment. Zoe had written to him that she was going to town with Mia and Simon. He looked at Alvaro for a moment. In such cases, it was always Alvaro who kept a cool head and knew what to do. He had the feeling that it was wrong not to hold back Alvaro and not to say anything to anyone. He winced briefly because Alvaro was coughing again. But he seemed to go on sleeping. Very carefully, Juanma grabbed his forehead. His temperature seemed ok. Juanma took a deep breath and looked at the clock. Half an hour before they had to get out again.
He went downstairs and fetched new water for Alvaro and himself. When he came back into the room, Albaro was already sitting on the bed. " Hey how are you?" asked Juanma and gave him the water. "Better again, sleeping is always good," Alvaro said softly. He put his head on his hands and took a deep breath. "Let's let Jorge know. It doesn't make sense if you keep trying, it just makes it worse. And it hurts me to lie to Mia."
"Tonight I'll be on Skype," says Alvaro. "Don't worry, I really feel better."
"Then why don't I believe you?" said Juanma. "Alvaro shrugged and grinned. When they came down, Jorge waited for them. "Somehow the lot separates you again and again," he grinned.
"Maybe not this time," said Juanma with a smile.

He was wrong. They were separated again, and Alvaro was with Cris. Juanma with Riccardo.

He rolled his eyes. For a moment he considered saying something to Jorge. Alvaro seemed to have read his mind and gave him a pleading look and shook his head slightly.

Alvaro was right, Riccardo didn't use the word slow. he shooed the group around well and everyone was very quickly out of breath. "It has to be better, you need to be in good shape" said Riccardo

Cris had first practiced a few baskets with his group. then he was in duels. Alvaro took a short break once. He had told Cris that he was a little dizzy.

"You are  fine again" asked Chris after e fe minutes and Alvaro nodded. He took another sip of water and went back to training. After a while he had the same problem again, but ignored it. Then suddenly everything went black.

Juanma kept up, even if it was difficult. He noticed that a first Hlife suitcase was being fetched from the hall, but did not worry about it any further.

Riccardo had a game simulated and cheered the boys on.

He was satisfied with the individual students and they all showed good commitment.

Mia's thoughts were elsewhere in class. Alvaro had been weird the last times. Not to herself, but differently than usual. She wondered if he had quarreled with Juanma and neither of them wanted to say that. Zoe had promised to ask Juanma later.

Jorge came and asked Riccardo to come over briefly. "Oh Juanma come with me for a moment," he said when he saw him.

"What's going on," he said when he and Riccardo arrived at Jorge's. "Alvaro passed out. Do you know anything about allergies or anything that we should know."

They had meanwhile arrived at the hall where Chris had trained with his group. Alvaro was now awake again. They had his feet higher up and Chris kept giving him water. "His blood pressure had dropped at the moment it stabilized again," said Chris. Riccardo felt the pulse. When he put his hand on Alvaro's forehead, he said, "He has a fever, training is over for today."

"Did he already have it yesterday" asked Riccardo then , because it occurred to him that he had noticed a change yesterday.

"He didn't feel that well, coughed a couple of times," said Juanma. "But he said he felt fit for training."

"Can you get up" said Chris to Alvaro. He nodded. Chris pulled him up slowly. He stood a little unsure of himself. Juanma was right next to him.

"Come sit down," he said and led Alvaro to the bench on the edge of the sports hall. "What happened" Juanma asked him.

"I have no idea, I saw the player in front of me and the next thing I know is that Cris spoke to me."

"Juanma, break up for today you two, bring Alvaro up, then he can lie down," said Riccardo.

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