Ohne Titel Teil55

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The next morning the weather was again very nice. Isabel had already prepared breakfast. She and Ramiro sat on deck and enjoyed the morning sun.

Juanma and Alvaro were up before the girls. "Hey dad. Quick bath to wake you up?" asked Alvaro. Ramiro grinned, "Sure I'll be there." He took off his shirt and already had his swim shorts on. All three climbed down the ladder and went into the water. Isabel watched the three. She had to smile at how exuberantly the boys raged with Ramiro in the water. Everyone was already tanned by the sun.

Gaspar appeared behind Isabel and greeted her kindly. "I thought they were waiting for me," he said with a smile. "You have no chance" laughed Isabel while Gaspar climbed down the ladder as well.

Mia and Zoe appeared shortly after Gaspar. Juanma had moved away from the group and called toAlvaro  "catch me". Alvaro swam towards him and Zoe froze for a moment. It was very similar to the sequence in her dream. Mia put her hand on her shoulder.

When Mia wanted to take off her shirt, Zoe asked "You don't want to go in now, do you?" Mia looked at her. "Come on, that's nice in the morning and wakes you up." Juanma had seen the girls and waved. "Come on in, the water is great." he called and swam towards the ladder. He knew it would take Zoe a lot to get into the water. Mia was already at the end of the ladder and let herself slide into the water. Juanma met Zoe. "Hold on to me," he said. She clutched his shoulders and he swam with her through the light waves. After a while she broke away from him and swam a little on her own. Juanma stayed close to her. "It's so cold," said Zoe.

"It's only because you're so tense. Look, you can see everything. There is no danger here." said Juanma and took her hand briefly. Mia came up to the two of them and Juanma said "Will you stay with her" Mia nodded. Juanma swam to Alvaro and managed to submerge him. Alvaro dived further and pulled Juanma down by his feet. They both reappeared laughing.

"Ramiro, the coffee is getting cold," Isabel shouted. At that moment Lupe appeared. "You all don't let me  sleep at night and now you're all awake."

"Do you want to swim a bit too?" Isabel asked, determined not to hear the reproachful tone.

"No, I'm still too tired and it's too cold," said Lupe. "Breakfast would be great," she said.

"The others  definitely come out now, too," said Ramiro, who had reached the top of the ladder. Isabel handed him a cup of steaming coffee. "Thank you my darling," he said and Lupe rolled her eyes.

She observed that Juanma was back with Zoe and he and Mia swam with Zoe to the ladder. Gaspar and Alvaro came back to the boat and when they were all upstairs and so dry that they could sit down at the table, they began to have breakfast.

"Can't we stay here forever? You can teach us Papa and we'll just stay at sea," Mia said and looked at her father with a smile. Ramiro laughed and said, "Unfortunately that doesn't work, but if you think it's that great, we'll do it again."

Lupe rolled her eyes but said nothing. After breakfast said Ramiro. "Shall we set sail again and see if we can get to the island?"

Everyone nodded. The girls helped Isabel tidy everything up again and the boys and Ramiro got the boat ready to go. Soon they felt wind in the sails again and waves against the hull of the ship. Juanma had sat down on one of the deck chairs with Zoe. He took her in his arms. "Is everything ok again?" asked he. Zoe nodded. "It was just so real." "These are mostly dreams. I know that too"

Zoe got up and went to the railing. "The sea looks so great from up here," she said. JUanma nodded. "The color is unique." he said.

There were a few snow-white clouds in the sky. Otherwise the sun was shining.

When they had driven a long way, they really saw something in the distance that could have been an island. Ramiro hauled in the sails and steered the boat towards it with the help of the engine. At a safe distance so as not to run aground, he secured the boat. "If you want to go over, you have to swim," he said with a laugh. It was a small island that Dani said was uninhabited. Around the island the sea was turquoise blue. The boys were already on the ladder and ready to go into the water. "Ramiro are you coming with us" asked Juanma.

"Sure," he laughed. "Come on girls, it's not far to swim." Zoe swallowed, but went into the water with the others. Isabel and Lupe followed too.

Ramiro was right, the water wasn't very deep anymore at the boat and they only had a short stretch before they could stand.

When they got to the beach they lay down on the white sand. The boys explored the bank.

Go live your way part 3Where stories live. Discover now