Ohne Titel Teil159

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When they wanted to go to the rooms later, Alvaro  held Mia back a little. "Was there something with Lupe ?" asked he.

Mia shook her head. "But you talked about something bad." he said.

"She has ..." Mia paused for a moment. Then she decided to tell him the truth. She told him what Lupe said.

"She won't get through with that, Javier never goes along with that and you know what? I would not feel badly in the mood to be with Ramiro on the weekend, only to hurt her."

Mia put her hand on his shoulder. "Now let's wait. I didn't even want to tell you because I knew it would make you angry."

"But it doesn't matter, Mia, you always have to tell me something like that."

"Yes, I did, too, but you were already worried."

Alvaro took Mia in his arms and took a deep breath. "I know," he said. "But I also know that Ramiro and Javier talk her out of it."

Mia returned the hug. "That's right. Both will do that."

They stopped for a moment. Then Alvaro said, "Let's go to Zoe and Juanma."

Mia nodded. When they came into the room, the two were sitting on the bed. "Everything ok" asked Juanma.

"I told him" said Zoe, "I hope that was ok"

Alvaro nodded. "Sure it was," he said. Juanma gong towards him. "Don't worry. We'll manage that. And if we don't want to stay here on the weekend, then we can go to me before there are problems."

"Thank you" said Alvaro and took Juanma briefly in his arms.

He sat on the bed and pulled Mia to him. Zoe had already laid down and Juanma lay down next to her.

"I'll ask Ramiro tomorrow, because I saw this morning that Javier called him."

"You are slowly becoming a regular in the office in the morning. Not that Gloria will make you a coffee soon," said Zoe. The others laughed.

Mia got ready for bed and then Alvaro went into the bathroom. When everyone was done and Alvaro was lying next to Mia, she laid her head on his chest. She stroked his stomach and closed her eyes. Alvaro ran his hand through her hair.

Contrary to expectations, both quickly fell asleep.

The next morning Mia went to see Ramiro. On the way she met Laura. After receiving no answer to her good morning, she resolved to ignore her in the future as well.

Ramiro looked tired but was friendly as always.

"I could get used to you coming to see me every day," he said to Mia as she walked into his office.

Mia smiled.

"So that you can calm down Alvaro, Lupe and he can continue to visit me. I have no idea what Javier did, but it's all good. But she took the week off."

Mia nodded. "I'm delighted and Alvaro will be even more delighted."

Ramiro nodded. "I'm not sure if the fight is won. But at least it's a stage."

"Was Laura with you" asked Mia.

Ramiro nodded. "I'm asked early in the morning," he said with a smile. Mia had to laugh too.

"I asked her to come to me for a moment. I will talk to her and her parents alone."

"Ok. She came towards me and didn't say a word," Mia said.

"She told me that only Juanma would talk to her when I asked her who she got along with best."

"She only talks to him. Some have tried to get to her, even Silvia. She blocks everyone. Juanma went up to her last time."

"I have a feeling that there is a lot more to her story than we know. But in order to be able to help her, we have to find out what is wrong with her." said Ramiro.

They heard steps in the corridor and Alvaro stood in the doorway. "Ramiro? Mom wrote me to come home with Lupe."

Ramiro looked at him for a moment, then rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Both of you go to your class, I'll clear it up with her," he said.

Mia took Alvaro by the hand and they left Ramiro's office.

Ramiro picked up the phone, set it so that Mercedes couldn't see his number.

Then he took a deep breath. He knew that he would only reach his goal with calm. If he was rude now, she would only get more stubborn. He knew Mercedes well enough for that. So he rubs himself over his eyes again and dialed Mercedes number. She answered immediately. "Mercedes," Ramiro said gently.

For a moment there was silence at the other end. "Yes, I'm here," she said softly.

"Why should Alvaro and Lupe come home"



When she still said nothing, Ramiro said, "Mercedes, I've never wanted anything bad for the kids. And you know that too. If you want to hurt me, that's okay. But please let our kids out of there. You're hurting them more right now than you think. Alvaro is in his senior year, he doesn't need any stress now. "

He heard her take a deep breath. "Javier wants to take the children away from me."

"I'm sure you got that wrong. He just wants to make you see your senses. You know that the children love you. They would never let you down. But with your actions at the moment you destroy everything."

"I ... I just wanted them here."

"If you want, I'll come over with the two of them this afternoon."

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